Lost History
Political History
A history of the Great Republic from the son of one of the founding fathers of th Republic of Texas.
Reveals that an international conspiracy, using One World Government as a springboard, is in operation for the purpose of destroying our national and religious institutions in America.
Though Abraham Lincoln will forever be remembered for freeing the slaves, that was never one of his chief political aims. What was? According to Thomas DiLorenzo, Lincoln devoted his entire political career to revolutionizing the American form of government from one that was very limited in scope and highly decentralized (as the Founders intended) to a highly centralized, activist state.
The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations : A collection of real life and unusual stories.
For the last twenty years I have been writing articles and books and doing radio and television on the subject of monopolies and true conspiracies. And more importantly solutions to the problems the world increasingly faces when dealing wit a more and more powerful elite, which has already taken control of at least twenty five percent of the world's productive capacity. That is a fact. That is not somebody's paranoid speculation.
Published in 1798 this is probably the most quoted text regarding the alleged conspiratorial designs of Freemasonry. -- BEING AT a friend's house in the country during some part of the summer 1795, I there saw a volume of a German periodical work, called Religions Begebenheiten, i.e. Religious Occurrences; in which there was an account of the various schisms in the Fraternity of Free Masons, with frequent allusions to the origin and history of that celebrated association.
This TGS Historical Reprint is brought back as the President of the USA, his Administration, and his Party, are riddled, nay--- infested with severe ethical and moral dilemmas. Report after report comes at us daily about a lack of ethics, honor, and integrity among elected, appointed, and hired government officials. The Foxes are in the hen house. This research, from 1914 is a Christian and Secular perspective on just what ethics really are.
This little volume tells a strange and painful story; strange, because the experiences of a prisoner for blasphemy are only known to three living Englishmen; and painful, because their unmerited sufferings are a sad reflection on the boasted freedom of our age.
Why should we fight for freedom? Is it not strange, that it has become necessary to ask and answer this question? We have fought our fight for centuries, and contending parties still continue the struggle, but the real significance of the struggle and its true motive force are hardly at all understood, and there is a curious but logical result. Men technically on the same side are separated by differences wide and deep, both of ideal and plan of action; while, conversely, men technically opposed have perhaps more in common than we realise in a sense deeper than we understand.
In publishing this work, my chief object is to remove the general and erroneous impression from the minds of European and Christian writers regarding Islam, that Mohammad waged wars of conquest, extirpation, as well as of proselytizing against the Koreish, other Arab tribes, the Jews, and Christians;1 that he held the Koran in one hand and the scimitar in the other, and compelled people to believe in his mission. I have endeavoured in this book, I believe on sufficient grounds, to show that neither the wars of Mohammad were offensive, nor did he in any way use force or compulsion in the matter of belief.
A comprehensive history, full of delightful anecdotes, of the types, uses, and abuses of poison. Illustrated with photographs. Sample contents: Poisons used by ancient and primitive races; Superstitions connected with poisonous plants; Some classical poisons and their histories; The Italian school of poisoners; The mystery of Amy Robsart's death; Poisons in fiction; and poison mysteries, which are details of 23 criminal poisonings. This facsimile reprint is from the 1923 original edition. 33 illustrations, many added by TGS Publishing
It is strange how gloomy thoughts vanish as one sets foot in Asia. Only yesterday we were still tossing on the sea of European thought, with its political anxieties, its social miseries and its restless aspirations, the heritage of the unquiet race of Japhet-and now we seem to have ridden into still water, where we can rest and forget and be thankful.
A former British Naval officer describes the worldwide conspiracy of "Jewish" bankers, who employ Communism as the battering ram against Christian states. Includes atrocities of Bolsheviks and of Spanish Communists described.
History, Mystery, and Misery of the Bank of England - An excellent argument against fiat currency in favor of real money.
Written by a prominent Danish lawyer.A well documented and chronological report on the rise of Zionism and the conquest of Palestine. Contains hundreds of damaging admissions and revealing statements from Zionists, anti-Zionists and disinterested parties. A must for true Middle East historians.