Lost History Political History


Kill Zone : A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza
Miracle On Main Street
Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged

Political History


Zadig : Book of Fate
Catalog #: SKU1477

A treasured reprint by the great philosopher, Voltaire. Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. -Voltaire

World Revolution : Plot Against Civilization
Catalog #: SKU0062

The author traces the growth of the conspiracy from early Illuminism and the French Revolution, through the rise of syndicalism, anarchism, bolshevism, communism and WWI, which she calls "The Revolution of 1917." The 1971 updated version by Webster and Gittens.

World Orders Old and New
Catalog #: SKU0257

Noam Chomsky takes on the international scene since 1945, devoting particular attention to events following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Chomsky develops a forceful critique of Western government, from imperialist foreign policies to the Clinton administration's empty promises to the poor.

World Hoax
Catalog #: SKU0072

An informative look at communism as a world movement and a Jewish stratagem . the six pointed star of Jewish communism being: Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Stalin and Litvinoff.

Works of Thomas Paine (4 Volume Set)
Catalog #: SKU3264

THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

WHO Brought the Slaves to America
Catalog #: SKU0322

WHO Brought the Slaves to America is an expose with insights into the trafficking of humans to the Americas. Little known facts are brought forth from the hidden or concealed history of the United States.

Wheel of Fortune
Catalog #: SKU3780

Simplicity of life being a condition of spiritual perfection, we may look forward to an Era of Civilization in the Future, greatly superior to all the civilizations of the Past, if only we accept simplicity of life as the best method of living.

What Was the Gunpowder Plot?
Catalog #: SKU3338

THE following study of the Gunpowder Plot has grown out of the accidental circumstance that, having undertaken to read a paper before the Historical Research Society. I was asked to take the famous conspiracy for my subject. It was with much reluctance that I agreed to do so, believing, as I then did, that there was absolutely nothing fresh to say upon this topic, that no incident in our annals had been more thoroughly threshed out, and that in regard of none, so far, at least, as its broader outlines are concerned, was the truth more clearly established.

Webster's Seventh of March Speech and the Secession Movement
Catalog #: SKU3779

It is very curious that much of the history of the United States in the Forties and Fifties of the last century has vanished from the general memory.

Webs of Power 2 volume set
Catalog #: SKU0924

The Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Du Ponts, and Morgans use corporate banking interests to control over half the nations on Earth, including America. The old controls the new elite legacies; Bush, Kerry, the Dulles, Kissinger, and their ilk.

Webs of Power 2
Catalog #: SKU0925

Are you ready to wake up? Webs of Power succeeds in drawing from government documents, whistleblower testimony, and great patriot authors. It will give you the fundamentals fro any political debate.

Webs of Power
Catalog #: SKU0782

The Federal Reserve us a private corporation. FEMA can form citizen work brigades and take control fo the food, water, and energy supplies. The CIA admitted to using American citizens in bizarre mind control experimentation. The INS has issued Visas to WTC bombers - after 09-11-01! The DEA, INS, Border Patrol, and Customs have been found guilty of drug trafficking.

Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt
Catalog #: SKU0045

This world famous pioneer of atomic power turns his scientific mind to the solution of the economic paradox.

Wealth of Nations
Catalog #: SKU2290

You hear this book referred ad naseum by politicos espousing 'free trade' and 'lassiez faire', but few of these mouthpieces have ever read the book that they proclaim as their sacred manifesto.

Washington's Prophecy : Facts Concerning the Rebellion
Catalog #: SKU3584

Being s student of history, and in particular to those relating to Texas and the southern states, I have to admit I'd never heard George Washington's views being taken as prophetic regarding the legal right of the South to secede and form a more perfect union. A very interesting read and collection of facts surrounding the disputes between the Northern hypocrite Republicans and the Southern factions wanting a preservation of the Constitutional rights of the states.
