Lost History
Political History
How our institutions have crushed human freedom by forcing sexual taboos on society through culture, society, religion, government....
History ignores the FACT that the Southern states were legally and constitutionally in the right. Though slavery was morally wrong, the North and the Republican party had legal avenues to change the constitution, but instead chose war. The fascist boot of the Republican Party remains a milestone around the neck of freedom.
The Republian party is behind the destruction of the US silver and gold dollar, and behind every economic crisis since 1861.Why don't they learn from their own mistakes? Yet we are now in yet another economic depression due to Republican incompetence.
Today we hear the Republicans accusing the Democrats of fascism. What a joke considering the Republican Party was the author of Federal Fascism before Hitler was ever born. (Republican Radical Rumps)
Mind control, propaganda, ignorant religious zealots, lead to the way to civil war between the states... and the Republican party is still actively using these techniques to destroy the constitutional republic.
Or why torture is really useless as a tool for interrogation.. You'll get the answer you want under torture every time.
Romance of the French Revolution : Nesta Webster was the foremost conspiracy researcher of the early 20th century. Here is a look behind the scenes of the French Revolution.
A look into the hidden forces that pushed Germany into war.
Relics of Hidden Truths After 40 Years - The Civil War settled nothing and only advanced Federal Tyranny into the U.S. Constitutional Government. To teach the South a lesson, the constitutional government was abdicated and a Federal Tyranny put in its place. It remains so to this day. This book discusses the causes, and results of the Civil War of Terror against the South.
Simon Bolivar was the liberator of many South American nations from far away rule and dictatorial tyranny. Statues to his honor dot the U.S. scene, but most U.S. Americans know very little about this great man's history and role in the Americas.
From the Letters and Papers of William H. Herndon - Abraham Lincoln - History's villan and history's hero. People either love him or hate him. Regardless, the man holds the awe and commands respect of persons of ether view.
The modern State is the distinctive product of a unique civilization. But it is a product which is still in the making, and a part of the process is a struggle between new and old principles of social order. To understand the new, which is our main purpose, we must first cast a glance at the old. We must understand what the social structure was, which-mainly, as I shall show, under the inspiration of Liberal ideas
A Chronicle of the Organized Wage-Earners - Three momentous things symbolize the era that begins its cycle with the memorable year of 1776: the Declaration of Independence, the steam engine, and Adam Smith's book, "The Wealth of Nations." The Declaration gave birth to a new nation, whose millions of acres of free land were to shift the economic equilibrium of the world; the engine multiplied man's productivity a thousandfold and uprooted in a generation the customs of centuries; the book gave to statesmen a new view of economic affairs and profoundly influenced the course of international trade relations.
Mexico, superfluous to say, is not part of South America. But it is part of that vast Spanish-speaking New World whose development holds much of interest; and which may occupy a more important part in coming years than is generally thought of at present.
This story is the result of eight years spent in ethnological and arch