Lost History Political History


Kill Zone : A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza
Miracle On Main Street
Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged

Political History


Cosmic Patriot Files
Catalog #: SKU1772

Hundreds of topics are covered in this closely typeset --shrink-wrapped--set that has been specifically compiled for the student of New Age conspiracies. Meant for a select audience who needs to know the truth about these many hidden subjects.

Shadows of Shasta
Catalog #: SKU1804

Why this book? Because last year, in the heart of the Sierras, I saw women and children chained together and marched down from their cool, healthy homes to degradation and death on the Reservation. This book is another little known 'Trail of Tears' story, but the word 'story' seems to diminish this tragedy of human suffering, at the hands of the US Government and the Republican Party 'Radical Rumps.' This is the failure of 'democracy' when it becomes majority rule, mob rule, and rule of the rich. This is the repeated horror, time and time again, of Christianity and Christian governments.

Minister of Evil : Secret History of Rasputin's Betrayal of Russia
Catalog #: SKU1807

Many lore researchers have admired and given mystical and prophetical qualities to this strangest of people of Old Russia. Some have almost sainted Rasputin, in their admiration... but not all Russians were so enthralled by this mysterious person...Was he really just a traitor to his nation? Read on...

Invisible Government
Catalog #: SKU1843

Communists in government during World War II formulated major policies which the Truman administration followed; but when the known communists were gone, the policies continued, under Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson. The unseen they who took control of government during World War II still control it. Their tentacles of power are wrapped around levers of political control in Washington; reach into schools, big unions, colleges, churches, civic organizations; dominate communications; have a grip on the prestige and money of big corporations.

Superstition In All Ages - Common Sense
Catalog #: SKU1849

What are these boasted resources of the Christ-worshipers? Their morality? It is the same as in all religions, but their cruel dogmas produced and taught persecution and trouble. Their miracles? But what people has not its own, and what wise men do not disdain these fables? Their prophecies? Have we not shown their falsity? Their morals? Are they not often infamous? The establishment of their religion? but did not fanaticism begin, and has not intrigue visibly sustained this edifice? The doctrine? but is it not the height of absurdity?

Open Secret of Ireland
Catalog #: SKU1850

The Irish have been fighting the Brit Boot of Occupation and Oppression for over 500 years. Perhaps no other people have stood more steadfastly against the foreign rule of the British, than the Irish.

Kettle is one of the lesser known Irish patriots that stood up against the Brits for Irish home rule and independence, until his untimely death in World War 1.

Ecomonic Consequences of the Peace with the Treaty of Versailles
Catalog #: SKU1857

You need not be an adherent or admirer of Keynesian Economics to appreciate the relevancy of this book in the world today. The leaders of the world continue to make the same mistakes of our forefathers in wars, in war losses, and in war victories. The Allied Powers won the Great War.. World War 1, but lost the chance to bring humanity back to an era of peace. By driving the German nation and people into continual bankruptcy, they ignorantly set up Hitler as the coming power for Nazi Germany.

Suffrage Cook Book, The
Catalog #: SKU1871

This book is a preservation work to save a bit of history for today's woman. It contains many pictures of women that were local leaders in the Suffrage Movement and some men that endorsed and supported their cause.

Jewish State, The
Catalog #: SKU1877

TGS decided to reprint this book by Theordor Herzl, due to his being considered the 'father' of zionism and the restoration of modern day Israel. Further we were sick and tired of hearing conspiracy theorists and ignorant Christian preachers, citing this source to justify their anti-Semitism, and from what we can tell from their words, they have never even read the book!

Studies in Historic Materialism
Catalog #: SKU1888

Marxism and Socialism defined a serious problem in society that still exists today. The movements attempted to address and correct such problems, and made great headway until the evils of greed they were fighting became the elements ruling over the movements.

Tibet: The Forbidden Land
Catalog #: SKU1890

Follow Landor into the Forbidden Land of Tibet, where the environment and weather is hostile to outsiders, along with it's rulers. Yet the lure and appeal of this Sacred Land continues to entice outsiders to venture there.

USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
Catalog #: SKU1931

It always befuddles my mind how modern Christians can take a half verse out of the Bible, regarding induced miscarriages and create an entire anti-abortion movement from it. YET, with the hundreds of references and condemnations of usury - money changing in the Bible, Christians ignore and disobey, with intent, all the scriptures regarding usury and the money changers.

Mystic Utopian "Supermen"
Catalog #: SKU1943

To say that the book you now hold in your hands is a strange, intriguing and highly controversial one, is putting things very mildly indeed. And much the same can be said about its author, too: Webster Edgerly; a name with which very few will today be familiar. Yet, Edgerly has a place in history, and certainly in infamy, that deserves to be told - if only to highlight the bizarre and, at times, dark and disturbing beliefs and motivations of the man.

Man-Made World : Our Androcentric Culture
Catalog #: SKU1946

This is a book about men--as such. It differentiates between the human nature and the sex nature. It will not go so far as to allege man's masculine traits to be all that excuse, or explain his existence: but it will point out what are masculine traits as distinct from human ones, and what has been the effect on our human life of the unbridled dominance of one sex.

Real History of America, The
Catalog #: SKU1961

For the last twenty years I have been writing articles and books and doing radio and television on the subject of monopolies and true conspiracies. And more importantly solutions to the problems the world increasingly faces when dealing wit a more and more powerful elite, which has already taken control of at least twenty five percent of the world's productive capacity. That is a fact. That is not somebody's paranoid speculation.
