Lost History Political History


Kill Zone : A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza
Miracle On Main Street
Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged

Political History


Coin's Financial School (Large Print PDF Download)
Catalog #: SKU3419

It is impossible for the layman to evaluate the merits of this traditional case against the gold standard. But most economists who are familiar with macroeconomic developments have tended in recent years to minimize the effect of the bullion basis of money in the secular price decline, as compared with certain long-range changes that came with industrialism and improvements in transportation.

Coin's Financial School (MobiPocket Reader Edition PRC Download)
Catalog #: SKU3420

It is impossible for the layman to evaluate the merits of this traditional case against the gold standard. But most economists who are familiar with macroeconomic developments have tended in recent years to minimize the effect of the bullion basis of money in the secular price decline, as compared with certain long-range changes that came with industrialism and improvements in transportation.

Coin's Financial School (Kindle Reader Edition Download)
Catalog #: SKU3421

It is impossible for the layman to evaluate the merits of this traditional case against the gold standard. But most economists who are familiar with macroeconomic developments have tended in recent years to minimize the effect of the bullion basis of money in the secular price decline, as compared with certain long-range changes that came with industrialism and improvements in transportation.

Magna Carta
Catalog #: SKU3482

Perhaps the most extensive commentary, research and review of the Magna Carta

Church in Politics : Americans, Beware!
Catalog #: SKU3483

In his letter on religion in politics, President Roosevelt takes the position, I believe, that we may look forward to the day when a Catholic, for instance, may be nominated and elected to the presidency of the United States of America. He also intimates that to refuse to vote for a Catholic on account of his religion would be bigotry!

Allied Countries and The Jews
Catalog #: SKU3502

Every American is now more than ever interested in Europe, and especially in those countries with which we are associated in the War. France, in particular, claims our attention. It is for this reason that as Jews we cannot help being interested in the relation of France to the Jewish people.

Guy Fawkes - Three Volume Set
Catalog #: SKU3503

Their searches are many and severe. They come either in the night or early in the morning, and ever seek their opportunity, when the Catholics are or would be best occupied, or are likely to be worse provided or look for nothing. An Historical Romance

Congressional Government
Catalog #: SKU3508

THE object of these essays is not to exhaust criticism of the government of the United States, but only to point out the most characteristic practical features of the federal system. Taking Congress as the central and predominant power of the system, their object is to illustrate everything Congressional.

Impeachment of the House of Brunswick
Catalog #: SKU3519

The matter contained in these pages has been delivered orally throughout Great Britain, and, with one exception, no Digitized by has been offered to it. Abuse has been plentiful, and threats of prosecution not infrequent.

Judicial Murder of Mary E. Surratt
Catalog #: SKU3520

THE assassination of Abraham Lincoln burst upon the City of Washington like a black thunder-bolt out of a cloudless sky. On Monday, the 3d of April, 1865, Richmond was taken. On the succeeding Sunday (the ninth), General Lee with the main Army of the South surrendered.

My Bondage and My Freedom
Catalog #: SKU3521

When a man raises himself from the lowest condition in society to the highest, mankind pay him the tribute of their admiration; when he accomplishes this elevation by native energy, guided by prudence and wisdom, their admiration is increased; but when his course, onward and upward, excellent in itself, furthermore proves a possible, what had hitherto been regarded as an impossible, reform, then he becomes a burning and a shining light, on which the aged may look with gladness, the young with hope, and the down-trodden, as a representative of what they may themselves become.

Some Objections to Socialism
Catalog #: SKU3545

The great evils connected with and resulting from poverty-evils which are so prominent and so terrible in old countries, and especially in populous cities-have, in our own land compelled the attention, and excited the sympathy, of persons in every rank of society.

A History of the Republican Party, or What the Hell Happened?
Catalog #: SKU3550

Early in February, 1900, the writer delivered an address before the Stamina Republican League of Cincinnati on "The Origin and Rise of the Republican Party." The interest in the subject shown by the audience and the many words of approbation led to a deeper consideration of the history of the Party, and the address was repeated on a more elaborate plan before many other organizations in Cincinnati and vicinity.

God and the State
Catalog #: SKU3552

WHO are right, the idealists or the materialists? The question once stated in this way hesitation becomes impossible. Undoubtedly the idealists are wrong and the materialists right.

Confederate States of America in Prophecy
Catalog #: SKU3580

Most patriot researchers and historians have read and studied the prophecies that concern the United States, but few realize that similar prophecies were written about the Confederate States of America. These are good to read and analyze because they set Christian prophecies to a lower value of relevance, since many were proven false.
