Lost History
Political History
The Unrevealed History: 100 Historical Mysteries Explained. This Major General of the Russian anti-Bolshevik Army sheds light on the earlier stages of enslavement and destruction of Christianity which remains hidden and unabated in the present day U.S. and the world.
The secret and hidden from the public, proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of 1886-87. This forgotten history is a MUST to understand the intent and purposes behind each section of the constitution, and the authors, and others in the convention opposed the constitution on lawful grounds!!!!
An Exposition of Freemasonry-actually published after the author was kidnapped (and murdered) by Freemasons from the town of Batavia, NY on Sept. 11, 1826 for reasons concerning the contents of this book. Published in 1827.
An exciting novel, based on true facts and information, of intrigue and the struggle between the unseen forces that work behind the scenes and the fighters for freedom in all lands. The timeless vying for survival and supremacy among men.
I desire to place on record in a succinct and tangible form the events which have come within my knowledge relating to the origin of the English occupation of Egypt-not necessarily for publication now, but as an available document for the history of our times. At one moment I played in these events a somewhat prominent part, and for nearly twenty years I have been a close and interested spectator of the drama which was being acted at Cairo.
Eisenhower, the CIA, and the Hidden Story of America's Space Espionage - Taubman, deputy editorial page editor of the New York Times, investigates the spy satellites that investigated the Soviets. Eisenhower, who was often accused of "putting and puttering" and "goofing and golfing," is portrayed here as a remarkable risk taker who supported the creation of highly sophisticated spy-satellite and spy-plane technology by going around the stodgy Pentagon bureaucracy and using the best minds he could find.
This is a most fearful and startling exposition of crime, and gives the true and secret history of a daring and powerful secret association, the members of which, residing in all parts of the country, have for a long period of years been known to one another by signs and tokens known only to their order. This association has been guilty of an almost incredible amount of crime.
An exhaustive legal challenge to the legality of secession to the federalist tyrants and constitutional traitors of Washington D.C.
MUCH to the author's surprise, and (if he may say so without additional offence) considerably to his amusement, he finds that his sketch of official life, introductory to THE SCARLET LETTER, has created an unprecedented excitement in the respectable community immediately around him. It could hardly have been more violent, indeed, had he burned down the Custom-House, and quenched its last smoking ember in the blood of a certain venerable personage, against whom he is supposed to cherish a peculiar malevolence.
Sam Houston, the Revolutionary Hero of Texas, a rabble-rouser, a frontiersman, a politician, lawyer, statesman, anti-slavery, peace-maker, warrior, governor, senator, president, Freemason, lover, dueler, and more... Even George Washington pales in comparison to this Texian Hero.
Mark Twain also wrote this children's version of the story of Joan of Arc. TGS Publishing has maintained all the original drawings, layout, and the color pictures for children.
The rise of the Rothschilds and how they used their power and immense wealth to influence the course of world events.
The House of Rothschild, as will be readily understood, did not throw open its archives to the author's inspection, for it is particularly careful in guarding its more important business secrets. But this was not entirely without its advantage, for it left the Count Corti completely free from political considerations and uninfluenced by racial, national, and religious predilections or antipathies.
This U.S. Senator explains why the states of the compact forming the Union have the legitimate and constitutional right to secede from the USA.
The Republian party is behind the destruction of the US silver and gold dollar, and behind every economic crisis since 1861.Why don't they learn from their own mistakes? Yet we are now in yet another economic depression due to Republican incompetence.