Lost History
Political History
It might be worth while for England to take risks to settle the Jewish problem; but not to take risks merely to unsettle the Arab problem, and leave the Jewish problem unsolved.
Every Inaugural Speech from Washington's shortest to Harrison's longest.... Includes pictures of the presidents.
The party system is an essential instrument of Democracy. Wherever government rests upon the popular will, there the party is the organ of expression and the agency of the ultimate power. The party is, moreover, a forerunner of Democracy, for parties have everywhere preceded free government. Long before Democracy as now understood was anywhere established, long before the American colonies became the United States, England was divided between Tory and Whig. And it was only after centuries of bitter political strife, during which a change of ministry would not infrequently be accompanied by bloodshed or voluntary exile, that England finally emerged with a government deriving its powers from the consent of the governed.
The first part-The Jew-has a somewhat curious history. Burton collected most of the materials for writing it from 1869 to 1871, when he was Consul at Damascus. His intimate knowledge of Eastern races and languages, and his sympathy with Oriental habits and lines of thought, gave him exceptional facilities for ethnological studies of this kind. Disguised as a native, and unknown to any living soul except his wife, the British Consul mingled freely with the motley populations of Damascus, and inspected every quarter of the city-Muslim, Christian, and Jewish.
It is, of course, no easy task to infuse a spirit of originality into matter which has already achieved such a measure of celebrity as have these wild and wondrous tales of Rhineland. But it is hoped that the treatment to which these stories have been subjected is not without a novelty of its own. One circumstance may be alluded to as characteristic of the manner of their treatment in this work. In most English books on Rhine legend the tales themselves are presented in a form so brief, succinct, and uninspiring as to rob them entirely of that mysterious glamour lacking which they become mere material by which to add to and illustrate the guide-book.
The truth is that affairs of this kind--like all the great issues of human life, Love, Politics, Religion, and so forth, do not, at their best, admit of final dispatch in definite views and phrases. They are too vast and complex for that. It is, indeed, quite probable that such things cannot be adequately represented or put before the human mind without logical inconsistencies and contradictions. But (perhaps for that very reason) they are the subjects of the most violent and dogmatic differences of opinion. Nothing people quarrel about more bitterly than Politics--unless it be Religion: both being subjects of which all that one can really say for certain is--that nobody understands them.
One of the greatest mysteries in the annals of American history was the Great Civil War. State against State. Brother against Brother. Father against Son. This war remains one of the largest scams of the US Federal government against its founding documents, against its founding fathers, and against the very foundation that the nation was established on. This book written by a Northerner, in 1868, is an objective view of that horrible blight in human history.
Written approximately 20 years before he became president, Wilson offers an objective view of the divisions caused by the federal government between the states from 1829 to 1889. A unique look into the shameful history of the US and its states from one of the statesmen of the early 20th century, a president of the United States. Wilson was the president during the Great War (1918). This TGS reprint is a large style book with a print larger than the original.
The American Civil War continues to be a mystery among citizens of the North and the South. Most important facts were hidden from the American Public for well over a hundred years by the U.S. Government. This biography is more of a history book detailing many small facts and important ones that are obscured in most studies of American history. A rather candid and objective view is given by the author of many behind the scenes details of the Lincoln administration.
This is the collection of Henry Ford's controversial works that created an uproar in the American Jewish community from 1921- well into the 1940s ...The International Jew gives a rare insight into the thoughts and political yen of many of this era. If we fail to study history, even controversial elements of history, we are indeed doomed to repeat its mistakes. Ford, like thousands of other influential men and politicians, endorsed the Nazis in 1930s Germany. This fact is one that is seldom covered in history books.
This is a rare collection of Henry Ford's most popular works... Including the International Jew Unabriged and Abridged Editions
The title of this reprint is not 'politically correct' in today's world, but the value of its message is as viable today was the era in which it was authored. Generations of young students are NOT being taught the crimes committed against a race of people, through no historical wrong-doing of their own, by another race of people under the approval, the wink and the nod, of the government of the USA. This book was authored by equal rights and civil rights leaders of our past. These books are a must to keep in print so our next generations can learn where their forefathers have been, and what not to allow to return.
This TGS Historical Reprint is brought back as the President of the USA, his Administration, and his Party, are riddled, nay--- infested with severe ethical and moral dilemmas. Report after report comes at us daily about a lack of ethics, honor, and integrity among elected, appointed, and hired government officials. The Foxes are in the hen house. This research, from 1914 is a Christian and Secular perspective on just what ethics really are.
That great LEVIATHAN called a COMMONWEALTH, or STATE (in Latin, CIVITAS), which is but an artificial man, though of greater stature and strength than the natural, for whose protection and defence it was intended; and in which the sovereignty is an artificial soul, as giving life and motion to the whole body
A view through the time tunnel of history into the occupation of Belgium, the 'enemy prisons', the control of a foreign government, the disdain of the people towards their occupiers. This expose allows the reader to compare the similar events with current state of affairs in Iraq and the truthseeker immediately recognizes that little has changed in 'governments' inhumanity.