Lost History Political History


Kill Zone : A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza
Miracle On Main Street
Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged

Political History


Congressional Government
Catalog #: SKU3508

THE object of these essays is not to exhaust criticism of the government of the United States, but only to point out the most characteristic practical features of the federal system. Taking Congress as the central and predominant power of the system, their object is to illustrate everything Congressional.

Conquest Through Immigration
Catalog #: SKU0078

The Zionist Takeover of Palestine"-written after several trips to the Holy Land, the author looks at the pitiful conditions of the Palestinian Arab refugees and examines the history of Palestine and the succession of forces which have influenced that history, including the role of the Soviet Communists, British and Americans, and how their meddling has brought about the present tragic state of affairs. Also is an analysis of how Zionists collect money from Americans and a penetrating critique of Israel's "democratic" government.

Constitutional Conventions : Their Nature, Powers, and Limitations
Catalog #: SKU0942

The fact that there is no modern or even ancient accessible work on the nature and powers of constitutional conventions, has led me to attempt to fill the gap with the present book, which represents no preconceived theory, but rather merely an impartial collection of all the available law and precedent.

Girl Who Disappeared, The
Catalog #: SKU2611

Story of one girl's plight dealing with white slavery and the government's blind eye to the atrocities in Chicago.

History of Count Zosimus
Catalog #: SKU0955

THE language of Zosimus, according to the judgment of Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, in his BIBLIOTHECA, is concise, expressive, pure, and sweet; but, being a Heathen, he often reproaches the Christian Princes, and is upon that account reprehended by the same Photius, by Evagrius, Nicephorus, and others: it is, however, the opinion of Leunclavius, that Zosimus ought to be believed even in those relations, there being no doubt that the Christian Princes were guilty of many enormities, which could not be passed over by the faithful Historian.

Impeachment of the House of Brunswick
Catalog #: SKU3519

The matter contained in these pages has been delivered orally throughout Great Britain, and, with one exception, no Digitized by has been offered to it. Abuse has been plentiful, and threats of prosecution not infrequent.

Jeanne d'Arc: Her Life and Death (Oliphant)
Catalog #: SKU2831

Mrs. Oliphant looks on the valor and steadfastness of the faith of Joan of Arc, and writes the story, hoping we learn lessons from the mistakes of history.

Jew, The Gypsy, and El Islam, The
Catalog #: SKU1271

The first part-The Jew-has a somewhat curious history. Burton collected most of the materials for writing it from 1869 to 1871, when he was Consul at Damascus. His intimate knowledge of Eastern races and languages, and his sympathy with Oriental habits and lines of thought, gave him exceptional facilities for ethnological studies of this kind. Disguised as a native, and unknown to any living soul except his wife, the British Consul mingled freely with the motley populations of Damascus, and inspected every quarter of the city-Muslim, Christian, and Jewish.

Joan of Arc (Lowell)
Catalog #: SKU2861

Lowell plainly states his work is a work of history, removing unsubtantiated claims and legends about Joan of Arc, honoring her more for her feats, rather than the romance that has grown up around her life. She did deliver Orleans from the English, whether by fighting or by inspiration.

Loss of the Steamship "Titanic"
Catalog #: SKU3655

On April 23, 1912, the Lord Chancellor appointed a wreck commissioner under the merchant shipping acts, and on April 26 the home secretary nominated five assessors. On April 30 the board of trade requested that a formal investigation of the circumstances attending the loss of the steamship Titanic should be held, and the court accordingly commenced to sit on May 2. Since that date there have been 37 public sittings, at which 97 witnesses have been examined, while a large number of documents, charts, and plans have been produced.

Maid of France (Bangs)
Catalog #: SKU2839

No other person's life, biography, and death from the Dark Ages has been so recorded in such detail and under sworn testimony, witnessed by her friends and enemies. Her life stands as a testimony to the capability of women.

Mistakes of the Republican Party
Catalog #: SKU2520

Today we hear the Republicans accusing the Democrats of fascism. What a joke considering the Republican Party was the author of Federal Fascism before Hitler was ever born. (Republican Radical Rumps)

Popular "Jihad"
Catalog #: SKU3320

In publishing this work, my chief object is to remove the general and erroneous impression from the minds of European and Christian writers regarding Islam, that Mohammad waged wars of conquest, extirpation, as well as of proselytizing against the Koreish, other Arab tribes, the Jews, and Christians;1 that he held the Koran in one hand and the scimitar in the other, and compelled people to believe in his mission. I have endeavoured in this book, I believe on sufficient grounds, to show that neither the wars of Mohammad were offensive, nor did he in any way use force or compulsion in the matter of belief.

Prisoner for Blasphemy
Catalog #: SKU3323

This little volume tells a strange and painful story; strange, because the experiences of a prisoner for blasphemy are only known to three living Englishmen; and painful, because their unmerited sufferings are a sad reflection on the boasted freedom of our age.

Proofs of a Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU1565

Published in 1798 this is probably the most quoted text regarding the alleged conspiratorial designs of Freemasonry. -- BEING AT a friend's house in the country during some part of the summer 1795, I there saw a volume of a German periodical work, called Religions Begebenheiten, i.e. Religious Occurrences; in which there was an account of the various schisms in the Fraternity of Free Masons, with frequent allusions to the origin and history of that celebrated association.
