Lost History
Political History
The party system is an essential instrument of Democracy. Wherever government rests upon the popular will, there the party is the organ of expression and the agency of the ultimate power. The party is, moreover, a forerunner of Democracy, for parties have everywhere preceded free government. Long before Democracy as now understood was anywhere established, long before the American colonies became the United States, England was divided between Tory and Whig. And it was only after centuries of bitter political strife, during which a change of ministry would not infrequently be accompanied by bloodshed or voluntary exile, that England finally emerged with a government deriving its powers from the consent of the governed.
As he looked down into what the US Government maintains was the kill zone used by Lee Harvey Oswald, he immediately knew that the Warren Commission's verdict that Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots in 5.6 seconds from a bolt-action rifle, killing John F. Kennedy was a lie.
The reality of this book is: IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT'S HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE, YOU CAN FIX IT. You can fix it without cheating anyone, without counseling with experts, without subscribing to any newsletter that keeps you posted on inside info, without writing Washington or getting involved in politics, without organizing, and without spending a penny unless you choose to.
Mark Twain also wrote this children's version of the story of Joan of Arc. TGS Publishing has maintained all the original drawings, layout, and the color pictures for children.
A view through the time tunnel of history into the occupation of Belgium, the 'enemy prisons', the control of a foreign government, the disdain of the people towards their occupiers. This expose allows the reader to compare the similar events with current state of affairs in Iraq and the truthseeker immediately recognizes that little has changed in 'governments' inhumanity.
Eutropius was a pagan Roman historian of the later 4th century, writing in Latin, whose brief remarks about himself let us know that he had served under Emperor Julian the Apostate (ruled 361 - 363) and his history covers the reigns of Valentinian and Valens (died 378). Another historian, Georgius Codinus, (De Originibus Constantinopolitanis, ch. 2) notes that Eutropius had been a secretary to Constantine the Great. That is all that is known.
The manuscripts were discovered in an old Texas library, in 1995, by a citizen of the Choctaw Indian Nation. They were scanned into a computer and reprinted so all citizens can read these once obscure (basically lost) writings.
This Jewish author reveals a startling, inside "Account of the Persecution
of the World by Israel on All the Frontiers of Civilization"
A hero of the Alamo and the Texian Revolution, David Crockett was also an learned author. This is his expose of a little known US President.
THOUGH a state of war was declared to exist between Britain and Germany in September of 1939, it very soon became apparent that no war was being conducted by Germany against this country. This was no surprise to those who knew the facts of the case.
An exposure of power politics which is heading mankind into a One World dictatorship. How the international financiers have backed the military confrontations of this century to destroy the sovereign independence of numerous countries. An assault on patriotism worldwide by New York bankers, the U.N. and Zionism.
his absorbing text traces the occult influence of secret societies on politics and statecraft through the centuries from ancient Egypt to the present era, showing how they affected such well-known historical figures such as John Dee, Frederick the Great, Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Helen Blavatsky, Rasputin, and Woodrow Wilson.
The Irish have been fighting the Brit Boot of Occupation and Oppression for over 500 years. Perhaps no other people have stood more steadfastly against the foreign rule of the British, than the Irish.
Kettle is one of the lesser known Irish patriots that stood up against the Brits for Irish home rule and independence, until his untimely death in World War 1.
A series of letters proving the illegal imprisonment of people in the North, during the illegal US federal war against the South
Relics of Hidden Truths After 40 Years - The Civil War settled nothing and only advanced Federal Tyranny into the U.S. Constitutional Government. To teach the South a lesson, the constitutional government was abdicated and a Federal Tyranny put in its place. It remains so to this day. This book discusses the causes, and results of the Civil War of Terror against the South.