Historical Reprints Philosophical


Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep
Incredible Cities of the Inner Earth
Universal Oneness



Sexual Relations Of Mankind
Catalog #: SKU2159

A complete look at the history of our sexual relations, and where its going.

Thoughts of a Freethinker
Catalog #: SKU2168

A Freethinker's concise and thoughtful view of Christianity.

Women as Sex Vendors
Catalog #: SKU2174

Why Women are Conservative and the Economic Status of Women - A short historical look at the status of women in society.

Cult of Incompetence
Catalog #: SKU2180

A book quite appropriate for restudy considering the incompetent government we suffer under in the USA, with the failed GOP Bush nonsense and their Dem enablers.

Misuse of Mind
Catalog #: SKU2182

A Study of Bergson's Attack on Intellectualism.

Human Personality and its SURVIVAL of Bodily Death
Catalog #: SKU2186

A very comprehensive study into life after death.

Coming Climax In The Destinies of America
Catalog #: SKU2191

This book may be prophetic... not in a religious sense but of a political prophecy. The author has indeed predicted the dire straits the US government is in today. Even scarier is the title of his last addendum to the book... "When the towers fall"...written in 1891

Lost Letters from Lesbos
Catalog #: SKU2203

Love letters written by a woman infatuated with the appeal of Lesbos.

Old and The New Ideal, The
Catalog #: SKU2205

A solution to that part of the Social Question which pertains to Love, Marriage, and Sexual Intercourse. A Freethinker delves into subject matter frowned on by the 'church'.

Vampire of the Continent
Catalog #: SKU2219

This author reveals the conspiratorial, interfering hand of England in instigating wars and chaos in mainland Europe. (not much has changed?)

Human Intercourse
Catalog #: SKU2229

Unique study into the styles, methods, and trends of humans interacting and relating to each other.

Tree of Common Wealth
Catalog #: SKU2233

The Rosicrucians originally published this treatise written by the author while incarcerated in the Tower of London during the years 1509-1510.

Hell Upon Earth - London from 6:AM to 9:PM
Catalog #: SKU2236

A curious little book fronm 1729 expounding on the sins of London.

Catalog #: SKU2237

Lectures on the artistic Sappho, history's most famous Lesbian.

Doctrine of the Maya
Catalog #: SKU2250

Maya is one of the most important and prominent words in the vocabulary of the Vedanta philosophy.
