Historical Reprints
This reprint is a rare and sought after book by Masons and researchers. While considered a 'monitor', this book explains the reasons and meanings behind many of the rituals. This is a 'large' print edition.
Few in the western world know who the Rumi was - His genius and philosophical thought could be equated with that of Rashi of Judaism or St. Augustine of Christianity. Rumi is the 'true' mystic of Islam, and is accredited with being the founder of the sect called Dervishes, whose dancing has thrilled audiences around the world. El Eflaki was a historian documenting the acts of Islam's famous mystics and leaders.
The excuse for writing another history of the Reformation is the need for putting that movement in its proper relations to the economic and intellectual revolutions of the sixteenth century. The labor of love necessary for the accomplishment of this task has employed most of my leisure for the last six years and has been my companion through vicissitudes of sorrow and of joy.
Most of the Essays comprised in the present volume have been written during the last six or seven years, without premeditated purpose or intentional connection, in reply to attacks upon doctrines which I hold to be well founded; or in refutation of allegations respecting matters lying within the province of natural knowledge, which I believe to be erroneous; and they bear the mark of their origin in the controversial tone which pervades them.
Few in the western world know who the Rumi was - His genius and philosophical thought could be equated with that of Rashi of Judaism or St. Augustine of Christianity. Rumi is the 'true' mystic of Islam, and is accredited with being the founder of the sect called Dervishes, whose dancing has thrilled audiences around the world.
Few in the western world know who the Rumi was - His genius and philosophical thought could be equated with that of Rashi of Judaism or St. Augustine of Christianity. Rumi is the 'true' mystic of Islam, and is accredited with being the founder of the sect called Dervishes, whose dancing has thrilled audiences around the world.
The design of the following treatise is to investigate the fundamental laws of those operations of the mind by which reasoning is performed; to give expression to them in the symbolical language of a Calculus, and upon this foundation to establish the science of Logic
Whatever forces may govern human life, if they are to be recognised by man, must betray themselves in human experience. Progress in science or religion, no less than in morals and art, is a dramatic episode in man's career, a welcome variation in his habit and state of mind; although this variation may often regard or propitiate things external, adjustment to which may be important for his welfare. 5 books in one volume.
C. Suetonius Tranquillus was the son of a Roman knight who commanded a legion, on the side of Otho, at the battle which decided the fate of the empire in favour of Vitellius. From incidental notices in the following History, we learn that he was born towards the close of the reign of Vespasian, who died in the year 79 of the Christian era. He lived till the time of Hadrian, under whose administration he filled the office of secretary; until, with several others, he was dismissed for presuming on familiarities with the empress Sabina, of which we have no further account than that they were unbecoming his position in the imperial court.
This is 2 vol set is also vols 7 & 8 of the Harmonic Series. This has to be one of the best self improvement books ever published, going through each step to take a person to living a worthy and beneficial life. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices.
The sacred laws having been written in five books, the first is called and inscribed Genesis, deriving its title from the creation ('genesis') of the world, which it contains at the beginning; although there are ten thousand other matters also introduced which refer to peace and to war, or to fertility and barrenness, or to hunger and plenty, or to the terrible destructions which have taken place on earth by the agency of fire and water
Of other lawgivers, some have set forth what they considered to be just and reasonable, in a naked and unadorned manner, while others, investing their ideas with an abundance of amplification, have sought to bewilder the people, by burying the truth under a heap of fabulous inventions.
THE treatise before this one has contained our opinions on those visions sent from heaven which are classed under the first species; in reference to which subject we delivered our opinion that the Deity sent the appearances which are beheld by man in dreams in accordance with the suggestions of his own nature. But in this treatise we will, to the best of our power, describe those dreams which come under the second species.
Son of Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of the Scarlet Letter and House of Seven Gables, write on his life in an underground prison, with its underworld economy. Has mankind advanced in its solutions or punishments of criminal?
The third canon of thought, a key to the enigmas of the world. Positive thinking in a negative world.