Historical Reprints
Mind is the active agent, the creator, and matter, the opposite energy, is the plastic substance of creation. The two spring simultaneously into existence, the first impressing and shaping the second according to its original or archetypal ideas. Hence all material creation is formed over the patterns of heavenly or spiritual ideation. Divine thoughts may be said to be the molds into which the energies of divine will pour the fluid essence of substance in order to shape the universe projected in mind and purpose.
An early study of woman's reproductive rights, along with a more romantic psychological evaluation of our sex lives.
A complete look at the history of our sexual relations, and where its going.
A study and observation of the social culture, social history, and social science of the Spanish people. The author also reveals his impressions of Spanish spirituality as shown in the attitudes of the people and their artists.
SURVIVAL OF THE REMNANTcould be considered as a sequel to this author's book, THE DAYS BEFORE TOMORROW since it envelops many of the atrocities of governmental laws that are now forcing the issue of human survival throughout America and the world. It deals with the trials and tribulations everyone must succumb to in order to preserve our democracy and our freedoms.
People hooted and jeered when, some few years ago, I wrote in The Third Eye that I had flown in kites. One would have thought that I had committed a great crime in saying that. But now-well, we look about and we can see people flying in kites. Some of them are high above the water being towed by a speed boat. Yet others are kites with a man aboard, he stands on the edge of a cliff or high piece of ground, and then he jumps off and he is actually flying in a kite. Nobody says now that Lobsang Rampa was right, but they certainly did hoot when I wrote about kite flying.
Well, just about everyone does astral travel when they go to sleep. The astral body goes off, and the physical body is meant to remain more or less passive, twisting and turning a bit, of course, in order that muscles may not be strained by being contracted for too long in one position.
This book is the fourth of a series by David H. Lewis, based on research
involving the infinite powers of the human mind and our universal
energy. Its contents establish the connection between our normally used
powers and the unknown gifted powers from the center of Creation.
We use Norse mythology everyday of the week, either without knowing it or not thinking about it. Tuesday, Wodensday, Thorsday, and Freysday.... Why do these so-called mythologies continue to amaze and confound us? Are they fiction stories built around true and factual events? Nonsense you say--- but you also said that about the mythological Legend of Troy.. and now proven as a factual place in time and history.
One of the first studies of the criminal mind using psychological standards. The author also compares physiology of the criminal to the law abiding citizen.
In spite of the advances in our knowledge of Ancient Egypt which decipherment of many of the monuments of the old Pharaohs has made possible, two basic questions of the first magnitude still remain outstanding in as great uncertainty as in the days of Herodotus. These are the question of the Origin of the Civilization of the Country, and the question of the Dates of its Kings and Dynasties.
NTERIOR freedom rests upon the principle of non-resistance to all the things which seem evil or painful to our natural love of self. But non-resistance alone can accomplish nothing good unless, behind it, there is a strong love for righteousness and truth.
TWO BOOKS IN ONE VOLUME: Containing the history of the true and the false Rosicrucians with an introduction into the mysteries of the hermetic philosophy and an appendix containing the principles of the yoga-philosophy of the Rosicrucians and Alchemists
E.A. Wallis Budge is probably the greatest Egyptologist that England ever produced. His books are written for both the scientist and the layman, in that they are not written in a style that over-uses technical lingo, that bars the layman from enjoying learning about Egypt.