Historical Reprints Philosophical


Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep
Incredible Cities of the Inner Earth
Universal Oneness



Oriental Mysticism : Sufiistic and Unitarian Theosophy
Catalog #: SKU1707

Steering a mid course between the pantheism of India on the one hand and the deism of the Cor

Path of Knowledge, Jnana Marga
Catalog #: SKU4017

A manual on Hermetic ways and knowledge

Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Catalog #: SKU2489

Originally published by a Masonic Lodge!!

Vital Message
Catalog #: SKU1254

As I look into the future of the human race I am reminded of how once, from amid the bleak chaos of rock and snow at the head of an Alpine pass, I looked down upon the far stretching view of Lombardy, shimmering in the sunshine and extending in one splendid panorama of blue lakes and green rolling hills until it melted into the golden haze which draped the far horizon. Such a promised land is at our very feet which, when we attain it, will make our present civilization seem barren and uncouth.

War and Death
Catalog #: SKU3000

A plea to the Western nations to use their intelligence to find another method other than war to settle their nations' conflicts.

Wisdom of the Ages
Catalog #: SKU3906

TRUTH is eternal, exhaustless, unfathomable. Its Divine Fount is far beyond human discovery, however rich the intellect which aspires towards its inaccessible heights.

Golden Sayings of Epictetus
Catalog #: SKU3774

Are these the only works of Providence within us? What words suffice to praise or set them forth? Had we but understanding, should we ever cease hymning and blessing the Divine Power, both openly and in secret, and telling of His gracious gifts? Whether digging or ploughing or eating, should we not sing the hymn to God

Dionysian Artificers
Catalog #: SKU1239

THE mysteries of the ancients, and the associations in which their doctrines were taught, have hardly been considered in modern times, but with a view to decry and ridicule them. The systems of ancient mythology have been treated as monstrous absurdities, debasing the human reason, conducting to idolatry, and favouring depravity of manners. A TGS reprint from 1820. This little book serves up a lot of information into the background of Freemasonry.

Ontology: Theory of Being (Kindle Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3460

It is hoped that the present volume will supply a want that is really felt by students of philosophy in our universities-the want of an English text-book on General Metaphysics from the Scholastic standpoint. It is the author's intention to supplement his Science of Logic1 and the present treatise on Ontology, by a volume on the Theory of Knowledge. Hence no disquisitions on the latter subject will be found in these pages: the Moderate Realism of Aristotle and the Schoolmen is assumed throughout.

Ontology: Theory of Being (MobiPocket Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3461

It is hoped that the present volume will supply a want that is really felt by students of philosophy in our universities-the want of an English text-book on General Metaphysics from the Scholastic standpoint. It is the author's intention to supplement his Science of Logic1 and the present treatise on Ontology, by a volume on the Theory of Knowledge. Hence no disquisitions on the latter subject will be found in these pages: the Moderate Realism of Aristotle and the Schoolmen is assumed throughout.

Revolutionist's Handbook, The
Catalog #: SKU1982

A satirical look, yet practical look at revolutions and their outcomes.

Tree of Common Wealth
Catalog #: SKU2233

The Rosicrucians originally published this treatise written by the author while incarcerated in the Tower of London during the years 1509-1510.

Voltaire's Romances (Kindle Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3464

I choose that a story should be founded on probability, and not always resemble a dream. I desire to find nothing in it trivial or extravagant; and I desire above all, that under the appearance of fable there may appear some latent truth, obvious to the discerning eye, though it escape the observation of the vulgar.

Voltaire's Romances (MobiPocket Ebook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3465

I choose that a story should be founded on probability, and not always resemble a dream. I desire to find nothing in it trivial or extravagant; and I desire above all, that under the appearance of fable there may appear some latent truth, obvious to the discerning eye, though it escape the observation of the vulgar.

Your Future Revealed By the Gods of Greece
Catalog #: SKU4045

Quotes from Shakespeare's works assigned to predictions and character traits.
