Beyond Reality Out of this World


Hollow Planets

Out of this World


Present At A Hanging and Other Ghost Stories
Catalog #: SKU1643

This collection of the strange and mysterious is brought to you by none other than the strange and mysterious Ambrose Bierce. Bierce was a newspaper writer and reporter, who psychic ability allowed to him to write details of news half a world away BEFORE the event happened!

Cosmic Memory : Atlantis, Lemuria, and the Akashic Record
Catalog #: SKU1628

Cosmic Memory Prehistory of Earth and Man : RUDOLF STEINER is one of those figures who appear at critical moments in human history, and whose contribution places them in the vanguard of the progress of mankind.

A Book of Shadows
Catalog #: SKU1593

Ring the bell, light the candle and open the Book of Shadows -- this has long been the method for seeking arcane lore and delving into the mysterious Powers that rule the Universe. Wizards, Witches, Magicians and Students of the Occult Arts and Psychic Sciences have long sought out the Wisdom of the Ancients, found in the pages of dusty and neglected tomes of hidden and forgotten knowledge.

Catalog #: SKU1569

The world has revolved around the sun many, many times since Wilkins joined up with the crew of that great mothership in the sky. We offer this work to those who may not have had the opportunity to read his offerings, and who wish to evoke his spirit now, and to those who wish to recall his writing in the fondest of ways. God only knows that the Universe will never be the same!

Catalog #: SKU1568

The world has revolved around the sun many, many times since Wilkins joined up with the crew of that great mothership in the sky. We offer this work to those who may not have had the opportunity to read his offerings, and who wish to evoke his spirit now, and to those who wish to recall his writing in the fondest of ways. God only knows that the Universe will never be the same!

UFO Silencers
Catalog #: SKU1567

"Close the doors! They're coming in the windows!"
That was a popular expression about thirty years ago, taken from the lyrics of a hit song now long forgotten. "Close the windows! They're coming in the doors!" The songwriter had probably never heard of the mysterious Men In Black (MIBs) but he might have been writing about them.

Catalog #: SKU1566

In telling the story of Timothy Green Beckley, one wonders where to begin. There has been so much water under so many bridges that time is hard to grasp and truly lay hold on. But we can at least approach the telling of Beckley's personal odyssey by beginning at The beginning, when he was a child growing up in New Jersey.

Project World Evacuation
Catalog #: SKU1564

Just as many are called and few are chosen, likewise, many who read this book will neither understand nor receive the information. But those special souls for whom it is intended will rejoice in its guidance and accept its timely and imperative revelation.
This information is not entertainment. It is comparable to "sealed orders" given to dedicated volunteers on a strategic mission. It is dispersed to them, compiled for them and will be cherished by them.

Catalog #: SKU1562

It is therefore terrible to contemplate a scenario where death comes not by natural causes, but at the hands of an assassin, sent with the sole purpose of murder. Not just any kind of murder. Not a murder of passion, or the accidental death from an anonymous robbery for the contents of a wallet or purse; but a secret murder. Homicide for the reason of silence, political or social justifications - murder to shut a mouth forever.

Strange Encounters
Catalog #: SKU1561

There are theoreticians who maintain that the presence of UFOs over the half century has given us the necessary inspiration and motivation to forge ahead with our attempt to conquer the universe. Their theory is that we would, as a unified planet, feel more comfortable on a more equal footing.

Strange Saga
Catalog #: SKU1560

In telling the story of Timothy Green Beckley, one wonders where to begin. There has been so much water under so many bridges that time is hard to grasp and truly lay hold on. But we can at least approach the telling of Beckley's personal odyssey by beginning at The beginning, when he was a child growing up in New Jersey.

Secrets of Egyptian Spellcasting
Catalog #: SKU1559

Magick has been with us since the beginning of time. When man first became aware of himself and his surroundings, he looked up into the heavens and saw the ultimate energies that permeate the universe. The first priests and shamans realized that this universal energy also courses through the very being of all that inhabit this universe, and the infinite number of universes that make up creation.

MOST HOLY TRINOSOPHIA of Comte de Saint Germain
Catalog #: SKU1541

In one of his tales concerning vampires, St.Germain mentioned in an offhand way that he possessed the wand or staff with which Moses brought water from the rock, adding that it had been presented to him at Babylon during the reign of Cyrus the Great.

One Hundred Spiritual Secrets
Catalog #: SKU1532

These little spirit-filled "booster shots" will allow you to reawaken your faith in a power greater than yourself, of which you are a major part. You will use your own higher sensory perception (HSP), to understand that you are here on earth to make a difference.

Journeys Into Time
Catalog #: SKU1531

Depending on what you believe, the Universe began with a bang or was summoned into existence by some great force, or perhaps both or neither. But it did have a beginning. How can I be so certain? Well, there are two very convincing arguments that leave little doubt that universe (at least the one we know) must have had a beginning.
