Beyond Reality Out of this World


Hollow Planets

Out of this World


Other Tongues Other Flesh: Revisited - Large Print Edition
Catalog #: SKU2585

This book you are about to read is not an ultimate . . . no book is. It merely points the path, a signpost along the Great Way that leads to our Infinite Father. This work is dedicated to all men everywhere, with the hope that they shall know the TRUTH and the Truth shall make them free. Through Other Tongues--Other Flesh, may we learn to pray: "Father of us all, give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to understand!"

Heavenly Bridegrooms : An Unintentional Contribution to the Erotogenetic Interpretation of Religion
Catalog #: SKU2612

A look into the strange presumption of most religions of God-Sex with human women, producing gods from their offspring. A cabalistic or esoteric view of the spiritual wedding and marriage.

Who Answers Prayer?
Catalog #: SKU2702

An eternal question of the ages, that every religion claims the answer and proprietorship of.

Voyage to Jupiter
Catalog #: SKU2763

Details on the discoveries of NASAs Voyager flights to Jupiter. Excellent for anyone interested in space flight or astronomy.

Sidonia the Sorceress (2 volume set)
Catalog #: SKU2767

Exhaustive study into sorcery, magic, witchcraft, demons, and satan, especially as these beliefs affected history.

Up Rainbow Hill
Catalog #: SKU2773

Dana Howard reveals the future of the planet and mankind from her contact with extra-terrestrial aliens in the 1950-60s.

Asteroids or Minor Planets, The
Catalog #: SKU2783

A short study into the asteroid belt... perhaps once a planet that met an untimely catastrophe.

Our Place Among Infinities
Catalog #: SKU2806

How fantastically grand this universe is around us.. It makes even the stubborn atheist sit in awe and wonder of its beauty and vastness.

Expanse of Heaven, The
Catalog #: SKU2812

A romantic, spiritual, and factual look at the expanse of the firmament--heaven.

Lunarian Professor, The
Catalog #: SKU2837

Was the Lunerian professor a lunatic or prophet? or Both? Read his remarkable prognostications about the Earth, the Moon, and Mars.

Over the Threshold
Catalog #: SKU2865

Dana Howard, ever the intrepid female contactee, reports seeing the strange substance during the appearance of a Space "Sister" named Diane, who appeared not only to Howard but also to the amazed group of 27 people who had gathered with Howard in a small white church in Los Angeles on April 29, 1955 ...

Catalog #: SKU2868

For those who are not "UFO Abductees", the information in this file is nevertheless vital and applicable, and may one day save your life!!! If you believe that information about "Aliens" is only for those who have lost all touch with reality, then PLEASE accept that information in this document that you CAN accept, and pass over the rest, at least for now.

Age of Mental Virility
Catalog #: SKU2892

Study into the records of achievement of the world's chief thinkers and workers.

Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
Catalog #: SKU3030

Complete and unabridged reproduction of this outstanding NASA work. Reproduced in two volumes for easier handling while reading. 860 pages. Sold as set of 2 volumes.

Stones Said To Have Fallen From The Clouds
Catalog #: SKU3240

An Attempt to account for the Production of a Shower of Stones, that fell in Tuscany, on the 16th of June, 1794; and to shew that there are Traces of similar Events having taken place, in the highest Ages of Antiquity. In the course of which Detail is also inserted, an Account of an extraordinary Hail-stone, that fell, with many others, in Cornwall, on the 20th of October, 1791. -- Large Print 17 point font.
