Science Mysteries Other World Sciences


Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses

Other World Sciences


Astronomy of the Bible
Catalog #: SKU2292

Why should an astronomer write a commentary on the Bible Because commentators as a rule are not astronomers, and therefore either pass over the astronomical allusions of Scripture in silence, or else annotate them in a way which, from a scientific point of view, leaves much to be desired.

Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost
Catalog #: SKU2300

Many able and cultured writers have delighted to expatiate on the beauties of Milton's 'Paradise Lost,' and to linger with admiration over the lofty utterances expressed in his poem. Though conscious of his inability to do justice to the sublimest of poets and the noblest of sciences, the author has ventured to contribute to Miltonic literature a work which he hopes will prove to be of an interesting and instructive character.

Astronomy 101
Catalog #: SKU1930

An introduction to astronomy, written in a language understandable by all. This book was written when 'textbook' authors understood HOW to excite the mind about scientific and technical learning. It could even be titled "A Romance with the Stars" for the author's love of astronomy pours out from every page.

Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans
Catalog #: SKU1430

After a long period of discredit and neglect, astrology is beginning to force itself once more on the attention of the learned world.

Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena
Catalog #: SKU0684

This study of our subtle body is based on the works of Theosophical authors and noted clairvoyants, including H. P. Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, and Annie Besant. The astral body is the vehicle of feelings and emotions seen by clairvoyants as an aura of flashing colors.

Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena
Catalog #: SKU1927

This book 2 in a series of four books by this author, researching and enlightening readers on the 'spirit' of man, its role and functions. As in the case of The Etheric Double, the compiler has consolidated the information obtained from a large number of books, a list of which is given, arranging the material, which covers a vast field and is exceedingly complex, as methodically as lay within his power.

Asteroids or Minor Planets, The
Catalog #: SKU2783

A short study into the asteroid belt... perhaps once a planet that met an untimely catastrophe.

Ashtar: Revealing the Secret Identities of the Forces of Light
Catalog #: SKU3537

Who is Ashtar? Man or Myth? Name or Title? Space Commander or Archangel? Intergalactic Spiritual Leader? We believe the pursuit of these answers will be an interesting adventure for those dedicated in understanding the Guardian Action surrounding this planet.

As It Was
Catalog #: SKU3390

"As It Was!" Now why would he use such a silly title?

Are the Planets Inhabited?
Catalog #: SKU3504

THE first thought that men had concerning the heavenly bodies was an obvious one: they were lights. There was a greater light to rule the day; a lesser light to rule the night; and there were the stars also.

Anti-Gravity and The World Grid
Catalog #: SKU0353

Discover the secrets of the world grid of power spots and vortex areas! Is the earth surrounded by an intricate electromagnetic grid network offering free energy?

Angelic Revelations
Catalog #: SKU2847

This curious set of books were never published for public sale and printed over 135 years ago. They were available only to Masonic lodges and libraries.

An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King
Catalog #: SKU1173

The contents of this Book are not fables, but real experiments which I have seen, touched, and handled, as an adept will easily conclude from these lines. I have written more plainly about this Art than any of my predecessors; sometimes I have found myself on the very verge of breaking my vow, and once or twice had to lay down my pen for a season; but I could not resist the inward prompting of God, which impelled me to persevere in the most loving course, who alone knows the heart, and to whom only be glory for ever.

American Indian UFO-Starseed Connection
Catalog #: SKU1664

American Indians and The Gods From Outer Space - Many now believe the ancient legends of the American Indians tell of visitations to our planet thousands of years ago by space travelers...and there is evidence that today's tribes are still in contact with beings from far away realms and other dimensions.

After Death - Disembodied Man
Catalog #: SKU3977

One of the best books ever written about what happens to man after he dies. The experience almost feels real as you read the philosophy of the Rosicrucian, in the manner this author employs.
