Science Mysteries Other World Sciences


Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses

Other World Sciences


Survival of the Remnant (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU0006

SURVIVAL OF THE REMNANTcould be considered as a sequel to this author's book, THE DAYS BEFORE TOMORROW since it envelops many of the atrocities of governmental laws that are now forcing the issue of human survival throughout America and the world. It deals with the trials and tribulations everyone must succumb to in order to preserve our democracy and our freedoms.

Catalog #: SKU2287

It was a time when people were questioning their beliefs. Christianity and organized religion seemed stagnant and out of touch with a new generation who were seeking spiritual truths rather than undefined platitudes. People were seeking answers, but no one knew what the question was. The time was ripe for a new beginning.

Universal Oneness (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU0003

This book is the fourth of a series by David H. Lewis, based on research
involving the infinite powers of the human mind and our universal
energy. Its contents establish the connection between our normally used
powers and the unknown gifted powers from the center of Creation.

Up Rainbow Hill
Catalog #: SKU2773

Dana Howard reveals the future of the planet and mankind from her contact with extra-terrestrial aliens in the 1950-60s.

Mysteries of Astrology, The
Catalog #: SKU2947

A history of the rise and progress of astrology.

Mysterious Psychic Forces
Catalog #: SKU3822

Nothing is rarer upon our planet than an independent and absolutely untrammelled mind, nor is anything rarer than a true scientific spirit of inquiry, freed from all personal interest. World famous astronomer and science fiction writer investigates paranormal activities.

Our Place Among Infinities
Catalog #: SKU2806

How fantastically grand this universe is around us.. It makes even the stubborn atheist sit in awe and wonder of its beauty and vastness.

Our Unseen Guest
Catalog #: SKU0994

The success of telephone communication depends on the perfection of the telephonic mechanism. If the connection is imperfect, the message is confused. And so it is, Stephen says, with communication between persons on his plane and persons here on earth; the connection, so to speak, may be good, bad, or indifferent.

Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena
Catalog #: SKU0684

This study of our subtle body is based on the works of Theosophical authors and noted clairvoyants, including H. P. Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, and Annie Besant. The astral body is the vehicle of feelings and emotions seen by clairvoyants as an aura of flashing colors.

Catalog #: SKU2868

For those who are not "UFO Abductees", the information in this file is nevertheless vital and applicable, and may one day save your life!!! If you believe that information about "Aliens" is only for those who have lost all touch with reality, then PLEASE accept that information in this document that you CAN accept, and pass over the rest, at least for now.

Believers - A reinterpretation of mystical and religious phenomena
Catalog #: SKU1932

Brian J. Allen brings the basis, the psychological challenges, (if not psychological warfare), and the reasons for acceptance or rejection of what people have experienced or witnessed... As Skully and Mulder said, "I Want to Believe", the Believers sheds light on why they could not believe, yet others did believe. Are you a believer? or do you reject that which you personally experienced or witnessed?

Black Sun, The : Montauk Nazi-Tibetan Connection
Catalog #: SKU0127

The Black Sun continues the intriguing revelations readers have come to expect from Peter Moon as he digs deeper than ever before into the mysterious synchronicities that have made his work so popular.

Expanse of Heaven, The
Catalog #: SKU2812

A romantic, spiritual, and factual look at the expanse of the firmament--heaven.

Catalog #: SKU1569

The world has revolved around the sun many, many times since Wilkins joined up with the crew of that great mothership in the sky. We offer this work to those who may not have had the opportunity to read his offerings, and who wish to evoke his spirit now, and to those who wish to recall his writing in the fondest of ways. God only knows that the Universe will never be the same!

House of the Hidden Places (Download PDF Version)
Catalog #: SKU1620

CLOSE to the verge of the immense desert which stretches its arid wastes across the whole breadth of the continent to the shore of the Western Ocean, just at the apex of the famous delta which marks the meeting point of Upper and Lower Egypt, at the very spot where the busy life of the earliest civilization on record was bordered by the vast and barren solitude, stands the most majestic and most mysterious monument ever erected by the hand of man. Of all the other structures which made the marvels of the ancient world, scarcely a vestige is left.
