Science Mysteries Other World Sciences


Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses

Other World Sciences


Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena
Catalog #: SKU1927

This book 2 in a series of four books by this author, researching and enlightening readers on the 'spirit' of man, its role and functions. As in the case of The Etheric Double, the compiler has consolidated the information obtained from a large number of books, a list of which is given, arranging the material, which covers a vast field and is exceedingly complex, as methodically as lay within his power.

Astronomy 101
Catalog #: SKU1930

An introduction to astronomy, written in a language understandable by all. This book was written when 'textbook' authors understood HOW to excite the mind about scientific and technical learning. It could even be titled "A Romance with the Stars" for the author's love of astronomy pours out from every page.

Blindsided : Planet X Passes in 2003?
Catalog #: SKU0422

Look into the visions of prophets throughout the ages who foresaw the effects possibly coming with this current cycle of celestial interaction. The Bible calls this planet Wormwood and St-John gives a detailed description of what we may very well experience and perhaps very soon.

Catalog #: SKU3392

The faint flickering gleam of fourteen little Candles shines forth into the world, bringing to a vast number of people some of the Light of astral knowledge.

Casual Body and the Ego
Catalog #: SKU1926

This book forms the fourth, and last, of the series of compilations dealing with the bodies of man. Throughout the series the same plan has been adopted. When we come to study the causal body of man, we enter upon a new phase of our work, and must take a far wider sweep in our purview of man's evolution. The reason for this is, that whilst the etheric, astral and mental bodies exist for one human incarnation only

Curiosities of the Sky
Catalog #: SKU1744

Some of the things described in this book are little known to the average reader, while others are well known; but all possess the fascination of whatever is strange, marvelous, obscure, or mysterious - magnified, in this case, by the portentous scale of the phenomena.

Delicate Earth History Science Planet X
Catalog #: SKU0697

As many know there is a wide array of disinformation sites and people out there posing as individuals working to quash the Planet X awakening. It's a huge coordinated undertaking. These disinfo agents can't SEEM TO BE AFFILIATED WITH EACH OTHER. So, most all disinformation sites and people attack each other and don't associate themselves with anyone else to make it appear they are not working together.

I Believe
Catalog #: SKU3394

MISS MATHILDA HOCKERSNICKLER of Upper Little Puddlepatch sat at her half opened window. The book she was reading attracted her whole attention. A funeral cortege went by without her shadow falling across the fine lace curtains adorning her windows.

Life in a Thousand Worlds
Catalog #: SKU1382

Any person having a reasonable education will admit that there are many planetary worlds besides the one on which we live. But whether or not they are inhabited is an open question with most people. We had been in doubt on this point for many years, but now we are settled in our conviction that human life exists in many different worlds of space. We can give no proof of this except that we have just returned from the greatest journey we ever took. We went from world to world over long distances of space as easily as one could go from place to place on the surface of our earth.

Other Worlds
Catalog #: SKU1841

SciFi author Garrett P. Serviss' works.... simple science fiction or prophecy? Many topics Serviss wrote about as fiction have been proven as scientific facts since his passing from our world.Shall we measure the councils of heaven by the narrow impotence of human faculties, or conceive that silence and solitude reign throughout the mighty empire of nature?

Thirteenth Candle
Catalog #: SKU3398

'The Thirteenth Candle?' Well, it is meant to be a logical title derived from what I am trying to do. I am trying to 'light a candle' which is far better than 'cursing the darkness'. This is my thirteenth book which, I hope, will be my Thirteenth Candle.

Three Lives
Catalog #: SKU3399

This book is NOT presented to you as fiction for a very special reason; it is NOT fiction!
Of course, we can readily agree that some of the words in the book about life on this world are 'artistic license', but accept my statement that EVERYTHING about the life on 'The Other Side' is definitely true.

Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans
Catalog #: SKU1430

After a long period of discredit and neglect, astrology is beginning to force itself once more on the attention of the learned world.

Exobiology in Earth Orbit
Catalog #: SKU2564

The search for life beyond earth is one of NASA's projects... life, outside our planet, even in its most rudimentary form, would put mankind on a new venture to knowledge of our possible origins. In theological thought, it is the search for God.

Flying Saucers are Real
Catalog #: SKU1787

Donald E. Keyhoe, who relates here his investigation of the flying saucers, writes with twenty-five years of experience in observing aeronautical developments.
