Science Mysteries Other World Sciences


Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses

Other World Sciences


Cities of the Deep
Catalog #: SKU0114a

The author, having spent countless months searching through hieroglyphics, Naval records, ancient scrolled manuscripts, and ships logging, now brings to light one more haunting phenomenon from the archives of an explorer's heritage. It has long been a seaman's nightmare that demons possess many areas of our ocean, with concentrated thought aimed at our Bermuda Triangle and the mysterious disappearances occurring over these hundreds of centuries.

Days Before Tommorrow
Catalog #: SKU0005a

The Days Before Tommorrow expands on the details in "Mysteries of the Pyramid," bringing the author's view of how Christianity plays a role in the prophecies. Admittedly the theories are not typical mainstream theologies which are popular today in Christianity, but Lewis has researched and presented his views very well in an easy to read format.

Exploring the Living Universe
Catalog #: SKU2565

Planting man on another planet, colonizing Mars or Venus, expanding man's outreach to the farthest parts of the galaxy... Mankind is beginning to explore for places to land its ships... the 21st century Lewis and Clark expedition is closer than you would think.

Incredible Cities of the Inner Earth
Catalog #: SKU0004a

This book is the fourth of a series by David H. Lewis, based on research
involving the infinite powers of the human mind and our universal
energy. Its contents establish the connection between our normally used
powers and the unknown gifted powers from the center of Creation.

Incredible Technologies of the New World Order
Catalog #: SKU0386

In his latest release the former military intelligence operative known as COMMANDER X, offers startling evidence of a top-secret war being waged by the Secret Government and its allies - both human and alien - against the people of Earth

Invisibility and Levitation
Catalog #: SKU0388

A former military operative and author of over a dozen best sellers says not only has the intelligence community been able to perfect invisibility through projects such as the Philadelphia Experiment and the use of Stealth technology, but that such techniques were actually derived from psychic abilities that are a part of psychic occult and religious lore.

Lunarian Professor, The
Catalog #: SKU2837

Was the Lunerian professor a lunatic or prophet? or Both? Read his remarkable prognostications about the Earth, the Moon, and Mars.

Manual of Hindu Astrology
Catalog #: SKU2309

Astrology the ''pseudo-science" of the modern age, was mainstrean in the ancient world. The revelance and application of mathematics and astronomical sciences the ancients applied in astrology still dazzles the scientific world.

Catalog #: SKU0936

Alien Agenda includes never before seen documentation. Available in DVD almost 190 Min. of digital audio and video. Live footage shot at the 'Conspiracy From Marrs' Seminar

Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form
Catalog #: SKU0469

Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form illustrates that Darwinian evolution is actually not an empirically predictable or testable scientific paradigm, but is a highly touted philosophy of Western materialism.

Survival of the Remnant
Catalog #: SKU0006a

SURVIVAL OF THE REMNANTcould be considered as a sequel to this author's book, THE DAYS BEFORE TOMORROW since it envelops many of the atrocities of governmental laws that are now forcing the issue of human survival throughout America and the world. It deals with the trials and tribulations everyone must succumb to in order to preserve our democracy and our freedoms.

Universal Oneness
Catalog #: SKU0003a

This book is the fourth of a series by David H. Lewis, based on research
involving the infinite powers of the human mind and our universal
energy. Its contents establish the connection between our normally used
powers and the unknown gifted powers from the center of Creation.

Genesis Race - Our Extraterrestrial DNA
Catalog #: SKU0624

For millennia the development of humanity showed a consistent homogenous pattern. Then suddenly, around 5000 B.C., great civilizations sprang up around the globe. All the creation myths of these civilizations tell of gods who came down to Earth and fashioned man in their own image, teaching them the arts of agriculture and civilized life.

Bible Spells
Catalog #: SKU1581

The idea behind Bible Magick is simple; all verses in the Bible are charged with spiritual energies. This power of creation is called "LOGOS," meaning "WORD." It is thought that God the Creator used the LOGOS to initiate creation. The Universe and everything within it are divine words that have solidified. You can imagine that they were once dissolved in the sound vibrations of the divine cosmic word. Each thing we see is a divine word become solid.

Cave of the Ancients
Catalog #: SKU2248

This is a book about the Occult, and about the powers of Man. It is a simple book in that there are no "foreign words," no Sanskrit, nothing of dead languages. The average person wants to KNOW things, does not want to guess at words which the average Author does not understand either! If an Author knows his job he can write in English without having to disguise lack of knowledge by use of a foreign language.
