When God created the world he truly did create everything in it. Just as herbs can be used for healing and for psychic means, so can all the stones that exist right around us.
Are you looking for Atlantis, the highly advanced "ancient" society that destroyed itself through greed and war ages ago? Then look around you and understand that Atlantis is reincarnated in the present society and that you are a citizen of the new Atlantis . . . commonly known as the United States of America!
"Close the doors! They're coming in the windows!"
That was a popular expression about thirty years ago, taken from the lyrics of a hit song now long forgotten. "Close the windows! They're coming in the doors!" The songwriter had probably never heard of the mysterious Men In Black (MIBs) but he might have been writing about them.
The world has revolved around the sun many, many times since Wilkins joined up with the crew of that great mothership in the sky. We offer this work to those who may not have had the opportunity to read his offerings, and who wish to evoke his spirit now, and to those who wish to recall his writing in the fondest of ways. God only knows that the Universe will never be the same!
An expose of the dark and critical role secret societies play within the ruling families in America and their influence on American democracy, current events, and world history.
The communications in this little volume, purporting to come from disembodied spirits, came in the manner hereinafter stated, and all that I had to do with them was to faithfully and to the letter transcribe them from the slate on which they were written into blank memorandum books which I procured for the purpose.
The first book of its kind in terms of truly going in-depth to examine the striking similarities between folklore, religious, mythic, "new age," fictional, and first-hand witness or historical accounts of cryptid and reptilian figures.
Exposing the New World Order Conspiracy And the Evil Agenda of the Brotherhood of the Illuminati
This devastating expose of the human condition and those who manipulate the human mind is a getaway car for the psyche.
IN this Work, which we have written chiefly for the information of those who are curious and indefatigable in their enquiries into occult knowledge, we have, at a vast labour and expence, both of time and charges, collected whatsoever can be deemed curious and rare, in regard to the subject of our speculations in Natural Magic--the Cabala--Celestial and Ceremonial Magic--Alchymy--and Magnetism.
Reincarnation, is it a myth or a fact? The great freemason Manly P. Hall conveys the meaning and truths about this theory to everlasting life.
As most practitioners of magick, wizardry and other forms of spellwork already know, most covens or solitary workers of magick keep a handwritten Book of Shadows. This is a LARGE PRINT edition of the book My Book of Shadows by the same author.
Of all the myths which have come down to us from the East, and of all the creations of Western fancy and belief, the Personality of Evil has had the strongest attraction for the mind of man. The Devil is the greatest enigma that has ever confronted the human intelligence. So large a place has Satan taken in our imagination, and we might also say in our heart, that his expulsion therefrom, no matter what philosophy may teach us, must for ever remain an impossibility. As a character in imaginative literature Lucifer has not his equal in heaven above or on the earth beneath.
An archeological discovery made possible by the spirit writing of a medium. A verified psychic case, that proves that science doesn't have all the answers... yet.
A Modern Panarion is of like nature with the intent of Church Father Epiphanius, only in the 19th century heresy has in many instances become orthodoxy, and orthodoxy heresy, and the Panarion is intended as a means of healing against the errors of ecclesiasticism, dogma and bigotry, and the blind negotiation of materialism and psuedo-science.