As Above So Below
Forgotten Rainbows and Forgotten Melodies of Ancient Wisdom - The intention of this book is to reveal, among several other metaphysical codes, a key to wisdom previously comprehended by only a few initiated Masters, a secret hidden for centuries "in plain sight" (the safest place to hide the sacred) and unsuspected by the mundane intellect, long blinded to the simplicity of truth.
The esoteric mysteries were hidden in high mountain retreats, mystery schools, poetry, alchemical formulas, tarot cards, the Holy Grail of King Arthur and many other avenues of secrecy. The great Truths, therefore, have not been lost, but only a few people have had access to them. This fact explains the Dark Ages as well as the present-day narrow minded people who do not understand that the word OCCULT merely means HIDDEN.
An odd book on talismanic magic spells because it was published in the author's handwriting instead of type-setting, yet, it is still readable over a hundred years after the original printing. This small book is a treasure trove of information on cabbalistic magic.
A new approach to this old-age science guiding you through your own journey - Our DAY of Birth, our MONTH of Birth and our YEAR of Birth, supply the basis of our journey and the definition of these NUMBERS never change, though they encompass a much broader view than I've given. In fact, our choices are endless. We need to observe and feel each Number's vibration to become familiar with them, for they will always be there to be taken advantage of.
William Wynn Westcott (1848-1925) was an English Freemason, Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and co-founder the Golden Dawn. His original 1890 work on numbers was recognized as a significant treatise and of value to all students of numerology.
One may be the Lonliest number, but three might your lucky magic number.
AMONG the speculative questions which arise in connection with the study of arithmetic from a historical standpoint, the origin of number is one that has provoked much lively discussion, and has led to a great amount of learned research among the primitive and savage languages of the human race. A few simple considerations will, however, show that such research must necessarily leave this question entirely unsettled, and will indicate clearly that it is, from the very nature of things, a question to which no definite and final answer can be given.
Not long ago, previously unpublished documents believed to have been written In Nostradamus' own hand began to surface among the wealthy upper crust of European society. Among these documents were Nostradamus notes on the meaning of dreams as well as the lucky numbers which coincided with each dream. Also found among his elaborate maze of notes was a key as to how these dream interpretations could be applied to each and every person, regardless of which century they were to live.
Two opposing views of the nature of our universe compete daily for our attention. The first, generally known as materialism, holds that the cosmos and everything it contains is essentially lifeless, mechanistic, dominated by chance, comprehensible in terms of simple causes and without meaning or purpose. It is promoted by some influential figures within the scientific establishment.
Hindu and Egyptian Crystal Gazing, Magic Mirror, Astral and Spiritual Sight, Inner Sight, Clairvoyance, Astral Auras, Telepathy
The Mystic Meaning of these wonderful and ancient emblems.
How much does luck play into our lives and goals? How much do the stars control events that affect us? Are numbers lucky? Do certain times benefit us or harm us? This book has the details.
Astrology the ''pseudo-science" of the modern age, was mainstrean in the ancient world. The revelance and application of mathematics and astronomical sciences the ancients applied in astrology still dazzles the scientific world.
Sacred Geometry of the magi, alchemists, and ancient philosophers. Understand the mind of ancient wisdom and how they derived their answers.
Symbolic Numbers and the Sacred Union in Christianity - Starbird decodes the symbolic numbers embedded in the original Greek phrases of the New Testament