As Above So Below
The term magic can mean different things to different people. In fact, it is a catch-all word used to define things that are indefinable, supernatural, and/or mystical. This collection of articles covers topics from religious magic, natural magic, math magic, mental magic, black magic, white magic, to parlor room magic tricks. Each one is 'A Kind of Magic.'
One may be the Lonliest number, but three might your lucky magic number.
The Mystic Meaning of these wonderful and ancient emblems.
Hindu and Egyptian Crystal Gazing, Magic Mirror, Astral and Spiritual Sight, Inner Sight, Clairvoyance, Astral Auras, Telepathy
How much does luck play into our lives and goals? How much do the stars control events that affect us? Are numbers lucky? Do certain times benefit us or harm us? This book has the details.
As the generations of animals in this terrestrial globe have an image of the male in the dodecahedron, of the female in the icosahedron-whereof the dodecahedron rests on the terrestrial sphere from the outside and the icosahedron from the inside: what will we suppose the remaining globes to have, from the remaining figures?
This book is for the student who seeks to illuminate his intelligence by the Torch of his own divinity. Let him whose quest is the gratification of a selfish intellectualism beware its pages, for this is a book of hidden mystery and power. Therefore let the mind be pure that it may invite the approach of the Pilgrim Soul and come into a new realization of God's Omnipotence and Justice.
Sacred Geometry of the magi, alchemists, and ancient philosophers. Understand the mind of ancient wisdom and how they derived their answers.
William Wynn Westcott (1848-1925) was an English Freemason, Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and co-founder the Golden Dawn. His original 1890 work on numbers was recognized as a significant treatise and of value to all students of numerology.
The sexual content hidden in Euclid's geometry! Perhaps this is why masons are so excited by the 'G'-- Geometry to G spot?... This is an unusual look at the Big 'G'eometry of Euclid.
The relationship between the Egyptian and the Hebrew becomes even closer as the author exposes the origins of the Aleph-Bet.
The most extensive book on the magical arts that we have come across.
Astrology the ''pseudo-science" of the modern age, was mainstrean in the ancient world. The revelance and application of mathematics and astronomical sciences the ancients applied in astrology still dazzles the scientific world.
A thorough investigation into Francis Bacon's ciphers and secrets. This is a large print, facsimile edition of an original publication.
AFTER a lapse of 205 years since the first publication, in 1647, of Lilly's Introduction to Astrology, there would be no necessity for an apology for its re-appearance, were it not for the prevailing fashion of the day, which is to rail at and vituperate that science, and all who dare to say a word, not in its favour, but in favour of examining into its merits, with a view to ascertain what were the grounds on which our honest ancestors believed, and strictly followed, that which we conceive only fit for ridicule.