Ancient Mysteries Mythology


Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs
Through Ancient Eyes



Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity
Catalog #: SKU1800

Egypt is unique in its place in history, for that land and people, has had the stamp of every major religion upon its culture. This book explores some of those influences, whether they originated in Egypt, were forced on Egypt, or were brought in by other cultures and missionaries. Examining this book objectively it is not hard to see that the Jesus of the Christians played out the fulfillment of the ancient Egyptian religions and prophecies.

Catalog #: SKU1698

Charles Fort was a crank in the best sense of the word. Lovecraft and the X-files can't begin to compete with the spooky stuff he uncovered. In the early twentieth century he put together great quantities of exhaustively documented 'puzzling evidence', data which science is unable or unwilling to explain. (Large Print Edition)

Manual of Hindu Astrology
Catalog #: SKU2309

Astrology the ''pseudo-science" of the modern age, was mainstrean in the ancient world. The revelance and application of mathematics and astronomical sciences the ancients applied in astrology still dazzles the scientific world.

New Lands
Catalog #: SKU1697

Charles Fort was a crank in the best sense of the word. Lovecraft and the X-files can't begin to compete with the spooky stuff he uncovered. In the early twentieth century he put together great quantities of exhaustively documented 'puzzling evidence', data which science is unable or unwilling to explain. (Large Print Edition)

Orion, The : The Antiquity of the Vedas
Catalog #: SKU1822

This ignored scientific research was by one of India's political warriors, who dared to confront the British occupation and British destruction of his homeland. Based on independent research, astronomical facts, and from the Vedas themselves, Tilak proves that these precious manuscripts were written around or in excess of 6000 years ago. Oddly enough this lines up with biblical interpretation that mankind started 6000 years ago...and that the Great Pyramid of Egypt, too was established on a certain position of Orion.

Secret of the Totem
Catalog #: SKU2470

The totem poles dotted the American landscapes for thousands of years. What were they for? What is their meaning? Andrew Lang takes on this research.

Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form
Catalog #: SKU0469

Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form illustrates that Darwinian evolution is actually not an empirically predictable or testable scientific paradigm, but is a highly touted philosophy of Western materialism.

Story of Grettir the Strong
Catalog #: SKU3730

Our Saga is fuller and more complete than the tale of the other great outlaw Gisli; less frightful than the wonderfully characteristic and strange history of Egil, the son of Skallagrim; as personal and dramatic as that of Gunnlaug the Worm-tongue, if it lack the rare sentiment of that beautiful story; with more detail and consistency, if with less variety, than the history of Gudrun and her lovers in the Laxdaela; and more a work of art than that, or than the unstrung gems of Eyrbyggja, and the great compilation of Snorri Sturluson, the History of the Kings of Norway.

Wild Talents
Catalog #: SKU1699

Charles Fort was a crank in the best sense of the word. Lovecraft and the X-files can't begin to compete with the spooky stuff he uncovered. In the early twentieth century he put together great quantities of exhaustively documented 'puzzling evidence', data which science is unable or unwilling to explain. (Large Print Edition)

Amazons, The
Catalog #: SKU3303

NEVER, perhaps, has the alchemy of Greek genius been more potent than in the matter of the Amazonian myth. It has bestowed a charm on the whole amazing story which has been most prolific in its results; but, unfortunately, by tending to confine it to the narrow vistas of poetry, the intensely interesting psychological aspect has been somewhat obscured.

American Hero-Myths
Catalog #: SKU3300

This little volume is a contribution to the comparative study of religions. It is an endeavor to present in a critically correct light some of the fundamental conceptions which are found in the native beliefs of the tribes of America.

Annals of the Cakchiquels
Catalog #: SKU3297

The Cakchiquels, whose traditions and early history are given in the present work from the pen of one of their own authors, were a nation of somewhat advanced culture, who occupied a portion of the area of the present State of Guatemala.

Bygone Beliefs
Catalog #: SKU2119

History and recollections of man's beliefs that have either been proven false, or simply forgotten as history moved on.

Curious Myths of the Middle Ages
Catalog #: SKU3509

RAGGED, bald, and desolate, as though a curse rested upon it, rises the H

Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race
Catalog #: SKU1901

Men's conceptions of the heroic change with changing years, and vary with each individual mind; hence it often happens that one person sees in a legend only the central heroism, while another sees only the inartistic details of medi
