Ancient Mysteries Mythology


Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs
Through Ancient Eyes



Catalog #: SKU1794

From the world of mystery, Tim Beckley brings back the lost studies of the dragon and the unicorn. The dragon and the unicorn prevails in ancient writings, and their existence as pure fiction must be put to the test of true research. After all, the Ancient City of Troy was once just 'fiction' in the minds of the established scientific community.

Catalog #: SKU0978

In this volume the myths and legends of ancient Egypt are embraced in a historical narrative which begins with the rise of the great Nilotic civilization and ends with the Gr

Gnostics and Their Remains : Ancient and Mediaeval
Catalog #: SKU1579

The seeds of the Gnosis were originally of Indian growth, carried so far westward by the influence of that Buddhistic movement which had previously overspread all the East, from Thibet to Ceylon, was the great truth faintly discerned by Matter, but which became evident to me upon acquiring even a slight acquaintance with the chief doctrines of Indian theosophy.

Gypsy Folk Tales
Catalog #: SKU1670

No race is more widely scattered over the earth's surface than the Gypsies; the very Jews are less ubiquitous. Go where one will in Europe, one comes upon Gypsies everywhere--from Finland to Sicily, from the shores of the Bosporus to the Atlantic seaboard.

Kabbalah or the Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews
Catalog #: SKU1247

A doctrine with more than one point of resemblance to the doctrine of Plato and Spinoza; a doctrine which in its form rises at times to the majestic tone of religious poetry; a doctrine born in the same land, and almost at the same time, as Christianity; a doctrine which developed and spread during a period of more than twelve centuries in the shadow of the most profound mystery, without any supporting evidence other than the testimony of a presumptive ancient tradition, and with no apparent motive than the desire to penetrate more intimately into the meaning of the Sacred Books--such is the doctrine found in the original writings and in the oldest fragments of the Kabbalah

Light of Britannia, The
Catalog #: SKU2139

Mysteries of Ancient British Druidism Unveiled; The Original Source of Phallic Worship; Secrets of King Arthur's Court; Creed of the Stone Age Restored; Holy Grael Discovered in Wales.

Light of Egypt Volume One : The Science of the Soul and the Stars
Catalog #: SKU0791

This book is about the search for spiritual truth. According to the author, the methods date back to ancient Egypt and Chaldea. It contains some of the most effective spiritual instruction ever used. The author was well-schooled in wisdom from around the world, often referring to Hermetic, Kabalistic, Theosophical, and Buddhist principles.

Lost Continent of MU
Catalog #: SKU0235

Mu, the Motherland, a lost culture which was the center of civilization some 25,000 years ago. A vanished continent which sent Colonel James Churchward on a lifetime's search, from the vaults of an Indian temple to Australia, from Siberia to the South Seas.

Myths of Crete & Pre-Hellenic Europe
Catalog #: SKU1769

The Mysteries of Crete still tease the historian and researcher. Atlantis, Minoean, and other ancient dynasties are rumored to have roots to Crete. With its Grecian and Egyptian connections, it was a major landmark island between these two great civilizations.

Sea-Kings of Crete
Catalog #: SKU3302

The object aimed at in the following pages has been to offer to the general reader a plain account of the wonderful investigations which have revolutionized all ideas as to the antiquity and the level of the earliest European culture, and to endeavour to make intelligible the bearing and significance of the results of these investigations. In the hope that the extraordinary resurrection of the first European civilization may appeal to a more extended constituency than that of professed students of ancient origins, the book has been kept as free as possible from technicalities and the discussion of controverted points; and throughout I have endeavoured to write for those who, while from their school days they have loved the noble and romantic story of Ancient Greece, have been denied the opportunity of a more thorough study of it than comes within the limits of an ordinary education.

Through Ancient Eyes
Catalog #: SKU0403

Through Ancient Eyes explores how art is a metaphysical activity, while illustrating the art and soul connections that have existed since ancient times. Drawing on a wealth of information, which includes prehistoric art and prophecy, through to the work of William Blake - this fascinating book unlocks ancient wisdom that has inspired artists from all ages.

Catalog #: SKU1252

Many years ago I heard of the existence of this manuscript from a celebrated occultist, since dead; and more recently my attention was again called to it by my personal friend, the well-known French author, lecturer, and poet, Jules Bois, whose attention has been for some time turned to occult subjects. My first-mentioned informant told me that it was known both to Bulwer Lytton and Eliphas Levi, that the former had based part of his description of the sage Rosicrucian Mejnour on that of Abra-Melin, while the account of the so-called observatory of Sir Philip Derval in the Strange Story was to an extent copied from and suggested by that of the magical oratory and terrace, given in the eleventh chapter of the second book of this present work.

Secret Lore of India - One Perfect Life for All
Catalog #: SKU2467

From the oldest records, man's history was preserved in quite complete detail by ancient civilizations in the Indus valley. Their secrets parallel many of the same secrets held by the Jewish Kaballa and other mystical teachings. Perhaps if more would look behind the veil of our past, we'd find the secret to our future.

Superstition in All Ages - A Dying Confession of Jean Meslier
Catalog #: SKU2478

A respected member of the priesthood exposed religions and Christianity as frauds perpetrated on mankind upon his deathbed. A dying man's confession is held as truth in a court of law.

Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor : GUIDE TO THE THREE SYMBOLIC DEGREES
Catalog #: SKU1248

THE objects which Freemasonry was founded to subserve are honorable and laudable; nor is it intended in the following pages to disparage the institution or to undervalue its usefulness. It has, at various times and in several countries, incurred the ill-will of political parties and of religious bodies, in consequence of a belief, on their part, that the organization was not so purely benevolent and philanthropic as its members proclaimed it to be.
