Ancient Mysteries Mythology


Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs
Through Ancient Eyes



Babylonian-Assyrian Birth-Omens
Catalog #: SKU3505

The history of monsters forms an interesting division in the annals of mankind, and I should like in conclusion to call attention to the persistency of this belief down to the threshhold almost of our own days. Among the Romans up to the latest period the old law of either burning the monsters or of throwing them into the sea was generally carried out.

Bel and the Dragon
Catalog #: SKU2904

A rare, short study of the Biblical apocryphal story of Daniel and the god Bel, and Daniel slaying a dragon.

Biography of Satan
Catalog #: SKU0814

Exposing the Origins of the Devil - This well-researched book exposes all the facts about the devil. Topics include the origins of hell, where the Christian devil was borrowed from, why the church needed a

Blindsided : Planet X Passes in 2003?
Catalog #: SKU0422

Look into the visions of prophets throughout the ages who foresaw the effects possibly coming with this current cycle of celestial interaction. The Bible calls this planet Wormwood and St-John gives a detailed description of what we may very well experience and perhaps very soon.

Book of the Damned
Catalog #: SKU1696

Charles Fort was a crank in the best sense of the word. Lovecraft and the X-files can't begin to compete with the spooky stuff he uncovered. In the early twentieth century he put together great quantities of exhaustively documented 'puzzling evidence', data which science is unable or unwilling to explain. (Large Print Edition)

Breaking the Godspell : The Politics of Our Evolution
Catalog #: SKU0796

Freer explores the archaeological, astronomical and genetic evidence for our being a half-alien, genetically engineered species. He presents the mind-boggling ramifications of this new paradigm which correct and resolve the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict, afford a generic definition of human nature, and the potential to rethink the planet. We are about to step out of racial adolescence into stellar society.

British Edda
Catalog #: SKU0090

Shows the inter-relationships of the many mythological, legendary and heroic figures which from the beginning of time were recorded by the Aryan people in their epic sagas. Long forgotten and suppressed, the British Edda is back. Originally published 1929.

British Edda (Large Print Edition)
Catalog #: SKU2000

Shows the inter-relationships of the many mythological, legendary and heroic figures which from the beginning of time were recorded by the Aryan people in their epic sagas. Long forgotten and suppressed, the British Edda is back. Originally published 1929.

Bygone Beliefs
Catalog #: SKU2119

History and recollections of man's beliefs that have either been proven false, or simply forgotten as history moved on.

Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures (1st Edition)
Catalog #: SKU0111

The first book of its kind in terms of truly going in-depth to examine the striking similarities between folklore, religious, mythic, "new age," fictional, and first-hand witness or historical accounts of cryptid and reptilian figures.

Cerberus: The Dog of Hades
Catalog #: SKU3353

Hermes, the guide of the dead, brings to Pluto's kingdom their psyches, "that gibber like bats, as they fare down the dank ways, past the streams of Okeanos, past the gates of the sun and the land of dreams, to the meadow of asphodel in the dark realm of Hades, where dwell the souls, the phantoms of men outworn."

Chaldea : From The Earliest Times To The Rise Of Assyria
Catalog #: SKU1734

From Ancient Times, Biblical Times and in Modern Times.. Chaldea.. the Land of the Chaldees has been the source of esoteric mysteries, home of the Magi, the beginning of Judaism and many other religions. It is a habitual hotbed of wars and conquests. What is it about this mysterious desert land that attracts the attention of world powers and religions?

Christian Mythology
Catalog #: SKU2330

What myths did the early Christians believe in and teach? Which ones have filtered down into modern Christianity?

Christianity and the Mysteries
Catalog #: SKU0198

The Mysteries of Christianity lie in its customs, rituals and traditions. Where did these people get so many rituals and customs when the New Testament is virtually silent on the matter? 560 Pages of collected studies in this one volume on the Mysteries of Christianity.

Complete Books of Charles Fort, The
Catalog #: SKU0619

All concern the bizarre phenomena unexplained by traditional science that the author spent the better part of three decades documenting: flying saucers, telekinesis, sudden showers of fish from the sky, stigmata, poltergeists, and spontaneous combustion (to name a few).
