Ancient Mysteries Mythology


Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs
Through Ancient Eyes



Witchcraft and Devil Lore
Catalog #: SKU2509

Transcripts From The Official Records Of The Guernsey Royal Court, With An English Translation And Historical Introduction. - A study of the withcraft and devil lore once prevalent in the Channel Islands.

Legends of Ma-Ui
Catalog #: SKU3815

Maui is a demi god whose name should probably be pronounced Ma-u-i, i. e., Ma-oo-e. The meaning of the word is by no means clear. It may mean "to live," "to subsist." It may refer to beauty and strength, or it may have the idea of "the left hand" or "turning aside." The word is recognized as belonging to remote Polynesian antiquity.

Serpent Myths of Ancient Egypt
Catalog #: SKU3117

Being A Comparative History Of These Myths Compiled From The "Ritual Of The Dead", Egyptian Inscriptions, Papyri, And Monuments In The British And Continental Museums. The Whole Illustrated With 129 Engravings.

Stories From Le Morte D'arthur and the Mabinogion (Emobi)
Catalog #: SKU4054

Among the stories of world-wide renown, not the least stirring are those that have gathered about the names of national heroes. The Æneid, the Nibelungenlied, the Chanson de Roland, the Morte D'Arthur,--they are not history, but they have been as National Anthems to the races, and their magic is not yet dead.

Sun Lore of All Ages
Catalog #: SKU3890

Naturally, there clusters about the sun a rich mine of folk-lore. The prominence of the orb of day, its importance in the maintenance and the development of life, the mystery that has ever enveloped it, its great influence in the well-being of mankind, have secured for the sun a history of interest equalled by none, to which every age and every race have contributed their pages.

Traditions of Glastonbury
Catalog #: SKU0286

The silent years of Jesus between 12 and 30 and an examination of the historical records concerning Joseph of Arimathea the great uncle of Jesus as a provencial Roman Senator and metal merchant. It was rumored that he owned many of the merchant ships that came to these Isle of the West from Rome and Phoenicia to barter for metal and other goods.

Twenty Two Goblins : From the Sanskrit
Catalog #: SKU0854

On the bank of the Godavari River is a kingdom called the Abiding Kingdom. There lived the son of King Victory, the famous King Triple-victory, mighty as the king of the gods. As this king sat in judgment, a monk called Patience brought him every day one piece of fruit as an expression of homage. And the king took it and gave it each day to the treasurer who stood near.

Cerberus: The Dog of Hades
Catalog #: SKU3353

Hermes, the guide of the dead, brings to Pluto's kingdom their psyches, "that gibber like bats, as they fare down the dank ways, past the streams of Okeanos, past the gates of the sun and the land of dreams, to the meadow of asphodel in the dark realm of Hades, where dwell the souls, the phantoms of men outworn."

Fiends, Ghosts, and Sprites
Catalog #: SKU3749

A belief in the supernatural has existed in all ages and among all nations. To trace the origin of this belief, the causes of the various modifications it has undergone, and the phases it has assumed, is, perhaps, one of the most interesting researches to which the mind can be given,-interesting, inasmuch as we find pervading every part of it the effects of those passions and affections which are most powerful and permanent in our nature.

Heroes of Asgard
Catalog #: SKU3753

The little tales which follow, drawn from the most striking and picturesque of the Northern myths, are put together in the simplest possible form, and were written only with a design to make the subject interesting to children. By-and-bye, however, as we through their means become in a slight degree acquainted with the characters belonging to, and the parts played by, the various deities of this mythology, it will not be uninteresting to consider what their meaning may be, and to try if we can trace the connection of one with another.

Horus Myth, The
Catalog #: SKU2483

There is a threaded connection to Egypt in Christianity from Ham, Abraham, and Jesus. Could it be that the Egyptian religion is the acutal progenitor of Christianity?

Past Shock : Origin of Religion
Catalog #: SKU0794

and Its Impact on the Human Soul - Alvin Toffler once coined the term

Roman Antiquities and Ancient Mythology
Catalog #: SKU3831

The principal town of the Latin confederacy was Rome. It was situated on the river Tiber, at the distance of sixteen miles from its mouth. Romulus is commonly reported to have laid its foundations on Mount Palatine, A. M. 3251, B. C. 753, in the third year of the 6th Olympiad.

Symbolic Creatures
Catalog #: SKU3887

THE human mind has a passionate longing for knowledge even of things past comprehension. Where it cannot know, it will imagine; what the mind conceives it will attempt to define.

Biography of Satan
Catalog #: SKU0814

Exposing the Origins of the Devil - This well-researched book exposes all the facts about the devil. Topics include the origins of hell, where the Christian devil was borrowed from, why the church needed a
