Ancient Mysteries Mythology


Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs
Through Ancient Eyes



Witchcraft and Devil Lore
Catalog #: SKU2509

Transcripts From The Official Records Of The Guernsey Royal Court, With An English Translation And Historical Introduction. - A study of the withcraft and devil lore once prevalent in the Channel Islands.

Horus Myth, The
Catalog #: SKU2483

There is a threaded connection to Egypt in Christianity from Ham, Abraham, and Jesus. Could it be that the Egyptian religion is the acutal progenitor of Christianity?

Superstition in All Ages - A Dying Confession of Jean Meslier
Catalog #: SKU2478

A respected member of the priesthood exposed religions and Christianity as frauds perpetrated on mankind upon his deathbed. A dying man's confession is held as truth in a court of law.

Secret of the Totem
Catalog #: SKU2470

The totem poles dotted the American landscapes for thousands of years. What were they for? What is their meaning? Andrew Lang takes on this research.

Secret Lore of India - One Perfect Life for All
Catalog #: SKU2467

From the oldest records, man's history was preserved in quite complete detail by ancient civilizations in the Indus valley. Their secrets parallel many of the same secrets held by the Jewish Kaballa and other mystical teachings. Perhaps if more would look behind the veil of our past, we'd find the secret to our future.

Altoviti Aphrodite
Catalog #: SKU2423

This is probably the only study into the Aphrodite statue take from Europe and brought to the private estate of the Rockefellers, by John D. Rockefeller.

Holy Grail: The Legend
Catalog #: SKU2394

100 years of writings and research on the Grail and the Legends behind it.

Legend of Longinus and Its Connection with the Grail and Spear of Destiny
Catalog #: SKU2390

Just what is the story behind the Spear of Destiny that even Hitler himself, sought its powers?

Antichrist Legend and the Babylonian Dragon Myth
Catalog #: SKU2389

Study into the mythology of the Antichrist that the churches have used for thousands of years to control the people, manipulate the masses, subvert governments, and create fear.

Dragon and His Lair in Beowulf
Catalog #: SKU2374

Studying the Reptilian infiltration of man? Here's one overlooked from the Nordic traditions.

Fountain of Youth
Catalog #: SKU2368

The Fountain of Youth... real or myth?

Oracle at Delphi
Catalog #: SKU2342

Four studies into the importance of the Oracle at Delphi on civilization and history.

Evolution of the Aryan
Catalog #: SKU2333

Follow the Aryan race and its ancient history in the unusual reprint

Christian Mythology
Catalog #: SKU2330

What myths did the early Christians believe in and teach? Which ones have filtered down into modern Christianity?

Aryan Sun Myths
Catalog #: SKU2327

The Origin of Religions - The Aryan race has contributed much to civilization. Was their sun worship the origin of all religions?
