Ancient Mysteries Mythology


Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs
Through Ancient Eyes



Proserpine and Midas
Catalog #: SKU1844

The editor came across the unpublished texts included in this volume as early as 1905. Perhaps he ought to apologize for delaying their appearance in print. The fact is he has long been afraid of overrating their intrinsic value. But as the great Shelley centenary year has come, perhaps this little monument of his wife's collaboration may take its modest place among the tributes which will be paid to his memory.

UFOs, Time Slips, Other Realms, And The Science Of Fairies
Catalog #: SKU1839

When Edwin Sidney Hartland published his book, The Science of Fairy Tales, in 1891, little did he realize the impact his research into the myths and folklore of the supernatural world of the little folk would have for many generations afterwards.

Lysistrata : The Nude Goddess
Catalog #: SKU1835

That brightly plumaged fantasy has an aerial wit and colour all its own. But there are certain works in which a man finds himself at an angle of vision where there is an especially felicitous union of the aesthetic and emotional elements which constitute the basic qualities of his uniqueness. We recognize these works as being welded into a strange unity, as having a homogeneous texture of ecstasy

Norse Mythology : Legends of Gods and Heroes
Catalog #: SKU1831

The mythology of our forefathers, as we know it from Norse mythical poems and from the records of ancient writers, has not come down to us in its genuine pagan form. It is extant only in a later form, dating from a period when its devotees had begun to lose their absolute faith in the older divinities, had begun to harbor doubts and to catch intimations of a consolation nobler and better than that which the ancient divinities had been able to give them.

Teutonic Mythology
Catalog #: SKU1826

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday... all from Teutonic Mythologies of the Aryans! And this is the source for the Christian nonsense about 'hell'! Three volumes of suppressed mythologies!

Myths of Northern Lands
Catalog #: SKU1824

The Nordic-Germanic --- Aryan mythologies are based around arctic climates. This author presents the viable probability that the Aryan races originated in the Arctic areas of the planet, instead of the torrid climate of the Caucasius Mountains in Iran. This echoes the research of the famous Indian political warrior, Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, who came to the same conclusion based on the Vedas and astronomical facts.

Asgard and the Gods
Catalog #: SKU1823

We use Norse mythology everyday of the week, either without knowing it or not thinking about it. Tuesday, Wodensday, Thorsday, and Freysday.... Why do these so-called mythologies continue to amaze and confound us? Are they fiction stories built around true and factual events? Nonsense you say--- but you also said that about the mythological Legend of Troy.. and now proven as a factual place in time and history.

Orion, The : The Antiquity of the Vedas
Catalog #: SKU1822

This ignored scientific research was by one of India's political warriors, who dared to confront the British occupation and British destruction of his homeland. Based on independent research, astronomical facts, and from the Vedas themselves, Tilak proves that these precious manuscripts were written around or in excess of 6000 years ago. Oddly enough this lines up with biblical interpretation that mankind started 6000 years ago...and that the Great Pyramid of Egypt, too was established on a certain position of Orion.

Arctic Home In The Vedas
Catalog #: SKU1821

This ignored scientific research was by one of India's political warriors, who dared to confront the British occupation and British destruction of his homeland. He finds that Aryan race of man to be birthed from the Arctic areas of the planet, based on readings in the sacred Vedas...and he backs this with independent and scientfic research.

First Americans Mythology
Catalog #: SKU1820

While the author of this books has a degrading view of the simplistic life of the Natve American, and an 'unrealistic' praise of the white man society, he nevertheless provides insightful views of the First Americans' philosophy, religions, supersitions, and lifestyle. Many of us would prefer this simple life again...while many white men would starve if thrown into the clutches of survival life.

Maya Codices : Aids To The Study
Catalog #: SKU1811

You've heard or read about the Mayan Calendar and prophecies, but how do these people come to the conclusions they write about? And how can we verify their results? This reprint is one manual that can give you an understanding of how the experts read and interpret the ancient Mayan manuscripts.

Catalog #: SKU1801

THE ARCANE SECRETS AND OCCULT LORE OF THE ANCIENT MEXICANS AND MAYA--This, the first effort to include in one volume all that is known regarding the arcane knowledge and occult lore of the ancient Mexican peoples and their neighbors, the Maya of Central America and Yucatan, is the result of more than thirty-five years of research

Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity
Catalog #: SKU1800

Egypt is unique in its place in history, for that land and people, has had the stamp of every major religion upon its culture. This book explores some of those influences, whether they originated in Egypt, were forced on Egypt, or were brought in by other cultures and missionaries. Examining this book objectively it is not hard to see that the Jesus of the Christians played out the fulfillment of the ancient Egyptian religions and prophecies.

Catalog #: SKU1794

From the world of mystery, Tim Beckley brings back the lost studies of the dragon and the unicorn. The dragon and the unicorn prevails in ancient writings, and their existence as pure fiction must be put to the test of true research. After all, the Ancient City of Troy was once just 'fiction' in the minds of the established scientific community.

Babylonian Legends of Creation - Fight Between Bel and the Dragon
Catalog #: SKU1781

The baked clay tablets and portions of tablets which describe the views and beliefs of the Babylonians and Assyrians about the Creation were discovered by Mr. (later Sir) A.H. Layard, Mormuzd Rassam and George Smith, Assistant in the Department of Oriental Antiquities in the British Museum. Told by Assyrian Tablets From Nineveh
