Ancient Mysteries Mythology


Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs
Through Ancient Eyes



Man, Beast, Gods of Agharta
Catalog #: SKU2057

A lot has been written on the secrets of Tibet as well as the mysteries surrounding the existence of a hollow or inner earth that is said to be teaming with life - huge, unknown, plants, "strange" animals and even human beings.

Myths and Marvels of Astronomy
Catalog #: SKU2062

THE chief charm of Astronomy, with many, does not reside in the wonders revealed to us by the science, but in the lore and legends connected with its history, the strange fancies with which in old times it has been associated, the half-forgotten myths to which it has given birth.

Bygone Beliefs
Catalog #: SKU2119

History and recollections of man's beliefs that have either been proven false, or simply forgotten as history moved on.

Light of Britannia, The
Catalog #: SKU2139

Mysteries of Ancient British Druidism Unveiled; The Original Source of Phallic Worship; Secrets of King Arthur's Court; Creed of the Stone Age Restored; Holy Grael Discovered in Wales.

Pedigree of the Devil
Catalog #: SKU2209

Interesting--- the ancestral history of the Devil.

Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost
Catalog #: SKU2300

Many able and cultured writers have delighted to expatiate on the beauties of Milton's 'Paradise Lost,' and to linger with admiration over the lofty utterances expressed in his poem. Though conscious of his inability to do justice to the sublimest of poets and the noblest of sciences, the author has ventured to contribute to Miltonic literature a work which he hopes will prove to be of an interesting and instructive character.

Manual of Hindu Astrology
Catalog #: SKU2309

Astrology the ''pseudo-science" of the modern age, was mainstrean in the ancient world. The revelance and application of mathematics and astronomical sciences the ancients applied in astrology still dazzles the scientific world.

Lords of the Ghostland, The
Catalog #: SKU2313

Do all the gods deal with man's life after death? Interesting short study of a few of the mythological gods and immortality

Aryan Sun Myths
Catalog #: SKU2327

The Origin of Religions - The Aryan race has contributed much to civilization. Was their sun worship the origin of all religions?

Christian Mythology
Catalog #: SKU2330

What myths did the early Christians believe in and teach? Which ones have filtered down into modern Christianity?

Evolution of the Aryan
Catalog #: SKU2333

Follow the Aryan race and its ancient history in the unusual reprint

Oracle at Delphi
Catalog #: SKU2342

Four studies into the importance of the Oracle at Delphi on civilization and history.

Fountain of Youth
Catalog #: SKU2368

The Fountain of Youth... real or myth?

Dragon and His Lair in Beowulf
Catalog #: SKU2374

Studying the Reptilian infiltration of man? Here's one overlooked from the Nordic traditions.

Antichrist Legend and the Babylonian Dragon Myth
Catalog #: SKU2389

Study into the mythology of the Antichrist that the churches have used for thousands of years to control the people, manipulate the masses, subvert governments, and create fear.
