Ancient Mysteries Mythology


Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs
Through Ancient Eyes



India's True Voice : A Critique of Oriental Philosophy
Catalog #: SKU1245

One of the most widely disseminated systems of Indian thought, Buddhism, grounds its basic view of life on its thesis that the cause of all of man's wretchedness on the earth is his craving for life. Somehow, it is asserted, there was generated in him the desire to experience sensation and the feeling and consciousness of existence, to enjoy the concrete sense of being. And it was this yearning after the awareness of existence that directed him out of a condition of absolute and unconditioned being and precipitated him into the realm of limitation and painfully conditioned experience.

Jewish Mysticism
Catalog #: SKU1246

THE following pages are designed to give the reader a bird's-eye view of the salient features in Jewish mysticism rather than a solid presentation of the subject as a whole. The reason for this will be apparent when one thinks of the many centuries of variegated thought that have had to be packed within the small number of pages allotted to the book. It is this very fact, too, that will possibly give the present treatment of the subject a fragmentary and tentative appearance.

Kabbalah or the Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews
Catalog #: SKU1247

A doctrine with more than one point of resemblance to the doctrine of Plato and Spinoza; a doctrine which in its form rises at times to the majestic tone of religious poetry; a doctrine born in the same land, and almost at the same time, as Christianity; a doctrine which developed and spread during a period of more than twelve centuries in the shadow of the most profound mystery, without any supporting evidence other than the testimony of a presumptive ancient tradition, and with no apparent motive than the desire to penetrate more intimately into the meaning of the Sacred Books--such is the doctrine found in the original writings and in the oldest fragments of the Kabbalah

Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor : GUIDE TO THE THREE SYMBOLIC DEGREES
Catalog #: SKU1248

THE objects which Freemasonry was founded to subserve are honorable and laudable; nor is it intended in the following pages to disparage the institution or to undervalue its usefulness. It has, at various times and in several countries, incurred the ill-will of political parties and of religious bodies, in consequence of a belief, on their part, that the organization was not so purely benevolent and philanthropic as its members proclaimed it to be.

Myths of Mexico and Peru
Catalog #: SKU1249

IN recent years a reawakening has taken place in the study of American arch

Catalog #: SKU1252

Many years ago I heard of the existence of this manuscript from a celebrated occultist, since dead; and more recently my attention was again called to it by my personal friend, the well-known French author, lecturer, and poet, Jules Bois, whose attention has been for some time turned to occult subjects. My first-mentioned informant told me that it was known both to Bulwer Lytton and Eliphas Levi, that the former had based part of his description of the sage Rosicrucian Mejnour on that of Abra-Melin, while the account of the so-called observatory of Sir Philip Derval in the Strange Story was to an extent copied from and suggested by that of the magical oratory and terrace, given in the eleventh chapter of the second book of this present work.

Catalog #: SKU1266

A Biblical Excursion into the Theoretical Origin and Purposes of Extraterrestrials : There is one theory that warrants great consideration. There are those who contend that UFO's are nothing more than our own military implementing top-secret aircraft, many years ahead of the scope and level of present-era technologies. Such super-advanced technology is painstakingly kept from the knowledge of the masses at large. The myth of UFO's is cleverly constructed by the secret sector of the military/industrial-corporation complex to keep the populations of the planet deceived as to the real nature and origin of these contraptions, and its

Gnostics and Their Remains : Ancient and Mediaeval
Catalog #: SKU1579

The seeds of the Gnosis were originally of Indian growth, carried so far westward by the influence of that Buddhistic movement which had previously overspread all the East, from Thibet to Ceylon, was the great truth faintly discerned by Matter, but which became evident to me upon acquiring even a slight acquaintance with the chief doctrines of Indian theosophy.

Miracle in Stone : The Great Pyramid of Egypt
Catalog #: SKU1626

It is always an interesting footnote to history that most major religions of today and of antiquity have a link back to Egypt, the Plains of Gizeh, and/or the Great Pyramid. Whether it be that link of Jesus to Egypt, the Jews and Egypt, or August Caesar, there has indeed been a connection and correlation between these and Egypt.

Catalog #: SKU1627

Although appearing in the full light of historical times, Pythagoras has come down to us as almost a legendary character. The main reason for this is the terrible persecution of which he was the victim in Sicily, and which cost so many of his followers their lives. Some were crushed to death beneath the ruins of their burning schools, others died of hunger in temples. The Master's memory and teaching were only perpetuated by such survivors as were able to escape into Greece.

View from the Abyss
Catalog #: SKU1667

In this fascinating and original work we embark upon a journey of imagination and exploration from the beginning of time to the end of infinity. The speculative essays and true life case files presented here may help shed fresh light upon many of the puzzles and enigmas that have confronted humanity since the beginning of time, enigmas reaching deep into the fibres of our very being and existence.

Gypsy Folk Tales
Catalog #: SKU1670

No race is more widely scattered over the earth's surface than the Gypsies; the very Jews are less ubiquitous. Go where one will in Europe, one comes upon Gypsies everywhere--from Finland to Sicily, from the shores of the Bosporus to the Atlantic seaboard.

Complete Charles Fort, The (all 4 books in one volume!)
Catalog #: SKU1695

Charles Fort was a crank in the best sense of the word. Lovecraft and the X-files can't begin to compete with the spooky stuff he uncovered. In the early twentieth century he put together great quantities of exhaustively documented 'puzzling evidence', data which science is unable or unwilling to explain.

Book of the Damned
Catalog #: SKU1696

Charles Fort was a crank in the best sense of the word. Lovecraft and the X-files can't begin to compete with the spooky stuff he uncovered. In the early twentieth century he put together great quantities of exhaustively documented 'puzzling evidence', data which science is unable or unwilling to explain. (Large Print Edition)

New Lands
Catalog #: SKU1697

Charles Fort was a crank in the best sense of the word. Lovecraft and the X-files can't begin to compete with the spooky stuff he uncovered. In the early twentieth century he put together great quantities of exhaustively documented 'puzzling evidence', data which science is unable or unwilling to explain. (Large Print Edition)
