Historical Reprints
The influence of Egyptian beliefs and religion, and literature, and arts and crafts on the civilization of other nations can hardly be overestimated. In one of the least known periods of the world's history the Egyptian proclaimed the deathlessness of the human soul, and Egypt has rightly been named the 'land of immortality'.
LIFE, as we know it, despite its allurements and its pains, is but the shadow of our real and ultimate existence. Before us lies a vast territory of knowledge, the outskirts of which we have barely fringed.
Historical sketches of witchcraft and magic in England and Scotland. Study into England's famous magicians John Dee, Roger Bacon, and William Lily.
The sources from which the information is taken are the judicial records and contemporary chroniclers. In the case of the chroniclers I have studied their facts and not their opinions. I have also had access to some unpublished trials among the Edinburgh Justiciary Records and also in the Guernsey Greffe. Large print 15 point font.
Investigation into the anamoly of the Highland witches of Scotland. Could they see beyond the veil?
From a Christian point of reference, this booklet exposes the relationships between Witchcraft and the Illuminati, through the inter-related connections and symbologies.
The true story of witchcraft in old Connecticut has never been told. It has been hidden in the ancient records and in manuscripts in private collections, and those most conversant with the facts have not made them known, for one reason or another. It is herein written from authoritative sources, and should prove of interest and value as a present-day interpretation of that strange delusion, which for a half century darkened the lives of the forefathers and foremothers of the colonial days.
Fact, Theories, and Incidents involving witchcraft with a look at old and new Salem, Mass.
When first projected it was the writer's purpose to take up the subject of English witchcraft under certain general political and social aspects. It was not long, however, before he began to feel that preliminary to such a treatment there was necessary a chronological survey of the witch trials. Those strange and tragic affairs were so closely involved with the politics, literature, and life of the seventeenth century that one is surprised to find how few of them have received accurate or complete record in history. It may be said, in fact, that few subjects have gathered about themselves so large concretions of misinformation as English witchcraft.
All primitive peoples start alike; this we see again and again in the accounts given by travellers. Man hunts and fights. Woman contrives and dreams; she is the mother of fancy, of the gods. She possesses glimpses of the second sight, and has wings to soar into the infinitude of longing and imagination. The better to count the seasons, she scans the sky. But earth has her heart as well.
THE MATERIAL for this book is drawn from some 2,500 single-typed pages of verbatim records. The latter are made up of communications from discarnate entities we called the Invisibles, mainly through the mediumship of one of us known as Betty. The latter had become a station for this sort of transmission only by dint of a rigorous twenty years of training.
Fear is a state of mind. . . and it is not uncommon for those who are touched by the unseen and the unknown to fear that which is not human or man made. guess that would include both UFOs and the occupants of these globes and saucers that come in the dead of night and remove the unsuspecting from their homes and their bedrooms and subject them to all manner of nightmare.
The two very rare works reprinted in the present volume, written by two of the most celebrated of the early American divines, relate to one of the most extraordinary cases of popular delusion that modern times have witnessed. It was a delusion, moreover, to which men of learning and piety lent themselves, and thus became the means of increasing it. The scene of this affair was the puritanical colony of New England.
What the words Kadosh (Holy) and Heirdom (Mountain) mean to Freemasonry.
The world mystery... the soul... is one aspect man's long lost knowledge, that we probably had at creation. Mr. Mead studied the soul during his entire career. Here he relates his thoughts on the soul.