
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Secrets of the Mojave
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Method of Cheirognomy, A
Catalog #: SKU2919

What can the hands tell you? This little book gives the student a quick overview of this lost art.

Fingers and Fortune : A Guide-Book to Palmistry
Catalog #: SKU2918

Palmistry is now almost a forgotten art, but have we thrown out the baby with the bathwater?

Manual of Cheirosophy, A : Cheirognomy and Cheiromancy
Catalog #: SKU2917

Study of the Hands and Head for character, personality, health, and predictions..

New Discoveries in Palmistry
Catalog #: SKU2909

Once scoffed at by the medical profession, the old ways and means of health diagnosis are beginning to be proven by science, such as iridology. Palmistry may also be one of those resurrected methods.

Practice of Palmistry, The
Catalog #: SKU2908

Palmistry has been used for fortune telling, predictions, and health diagnosis. Over 1100 Illustrations and a Palmistic Dictionary

Catalog #: SKU2906

Peyote, the mystical 'weed' of the American Indians in the Southwest. This is an early observation by the US government of the Indian usage of this 'path to the spiritual.'

Square of Sevens
Catalog #: SKU2900

Fortune-telling with cards and belief in fortune-telling with cards-like a hundred greater and lesser follies of the mind-were straws floating along the current of British life, intellectual and social, during the reign of George the Second.

Catalog #: SKU2879

An exhaustive study into the hypothesis that Francis Bacon and William Shakespeare were one and the same person.

Royal Book of Dreams, The
Catalog #: SKU2853

This book from 1830 was credited to 'The Astrologer of the 19th Century', Raphael. It is a very interesting esoteric book containing more than simple astrology and dream interpretation.

Prophecies of the Brahan Seer
Catalog #: SKU2842

From time to time true prophets appear on earth. At minimum they show us there is more to the mind, spirit, and human abilities than most of us can fathom.
This Scottish prophet proved his ability to foresee the future.

Oracles of Nostradamus
Catalog #: SKU2841

Did Nostradamus predict the coming of a World War 3? The author studies the quatrains to find out. With the world in constant political turbulence, is it possible that a great war was predicted by this famous seer and healer?

Nichiren: The Buddhist Prophet
Catalog #: SKU2840

We know in the West about most of the Biblical prophets from Isaiah to Edgar Cayce, but seldom do we consider that there are revered and respected prophets from other religions. This book about one such Eastern world prophet.

Lunarian Professor, The
Catalog #: SKU2837

Was the Lunerian professor a lunatic or prophet? or Both? Read his remarkable prognostications about the Earth, the Moon, and Mars.

Ancient Mysteries and Modern Revelations
Catalog #: SKU2828

An in depth study of the mysteries of the ancient religions and what the world has discovered about them.

Christian Mysticism
Catalog #: SKU2819

There is undeniably a mystic side of Christianity once you throw off the chains of closed minded fundamentalism.
