Historical Reprints
Facsimile reprint of an 1850 edition of this long forgotten book. No Pages Are Missing. Large Print 14 point font. Physical size 8.5X11
Historical Reprint : A look at the history and the view of the Ancient Egyptians of the afterlife.
Translated from Latin, the instructions placed upon the Order of the Jesuits by the Catholic Church.
Author looks at how Shakespeare's works refer to astrological elements.
A nice study into the differences and evolution from polytheism to monotheism within the ancient Egyptian civilization. This new edition captured all the original plates the are missing in most reprints of this book. TGS has added new and additional plates / illustrations to compliment the original plates.
Originally published by a Masonic printer, the author delves into the relationships between Masonic traditions and the ancient mysteries.
Being a high and deep searching out of the Threefold Life of Man, through the Three Principles. Wherein is clearly shewn that which is eternal; and also that which is mortal. And wherefore God, who is the highest Good, hath brought all things to light. Also wherefore one thing is contrary to another, and destroyeth it: and then what is right or true, and what is evil or false, and how the one severeth (distinguishes) itself from the other. Wherein especially the Three Principles are founded, which are the only original or fountain whence all things flow and are generated. Large 12 point font, Not a scanned book, new reprinted edition.
Man knows that there is such a thing as love, but he does not know what love is. He knows that there is such a thing as love from common speech, as when it is said, he loves me, a king loves his subjects, and subjects love their king, a husband loves his wife, a mother her children, and conversely; also, this or that one loves his country, his fellow citizens, his neighbor; and likewise of things abstracted from person, as when it is said, one loves this or that thing. Large print 15 point font.
The reader will find in this book a firm assurance of God's care of mankind as a whole and of each human being. The assurance is rested in God's infinite love and wisdom, the love pure mercy, the wisdom giving love its ways and means. It is further grounded in an interpretation of the universe as a spiritual-natural world, an interpretation fully set forth in the earlier book, Divine Love and Wisdom, on which the present work draws heavily. Large print 13 point font.
It is only as prehistoric archaeology has come to throw more and more light on the early civilisations of Celtic lands that it has become possible to interpret Celtic religion from a thoroughly modern viewpoint. The author cordially acknowledges his indebtedness to numerous writers on this subject, but his researches into some portions of the field especially have suggested to him the possibility of giving a new presentation to certain facts and groups of facts, which the existing evidence disclosed. It is to be hoped that a new interest in the religion of the Celts may thereby be aroused. Large print 17 point font.
IN PRESENTING the Science of Phrenology to you to-night, I make one request, and hope you will grant it as a personal favor to me, that is, that you will dismiss from your minds everything that you ever heard about Phrenology and listen to my argument with your minds freed from the prejudices, favorable or unfavorable, that may have been created by other lecturers upon the subject, for this reason: Large print 14 point font.
I shall make no Apology for my Subject, notwithstanding an impudent Libeller has endeavour'd to load Authors and Publishers of Works of this Nature with the utmost Infamy; and herein I admire at the Front of the Fellow, to pretend to Chastise others for Writing only, when he practises a great deal more Iniquity than any Book extant can prompt him to, every Day that comes over his Head. Large print 15 point font.
The sources from which the information is taken are the judicial records and contemporary chroniclers. In the case of the chroniclers I have studied their facts and not their opinions. I have also had access to some unpublished trials among the Edinburgh Justiciary Records and also in the Guernsey Greffe. Large print 15 point font.
The student of our early literature and language is indebted to the zeal of Sir Thomas Phillipps, for the discovery of the following interesting Fragment, which appears to have formed part of a volume that contained