Historical Reprints
A full and complete translation of this epic work from the ancients. 75 illustrations with many extra pics added by TGS that artists during the past 2000 years have imagined these characters in their lives and tales.
Astrology the ''pseudo-science" of the modern age, was mainstrean in the ancient world. The revelance and application of mathematics and astronomical sciences the ancients applied in astrology still dazzles the scientific world.
Facsimile reprint of the rather hard to find title. Sir Renouf was E.A. Wallis Budge's boss at the British Museum till his retirement. 62 illustrations
A rare treatise connecting dots between the Mystery Religions, Old Testament stories and prophecies, and New Testatment prophecies, including the USA in prophetic light. This is a facsimile reprint of the 1858 edition
Large Print 12-15 pt font - The authors look at the origin of the swastika, decades before it became an icon of the Nazi Party.
Mythology, this very new science, who makes usto follow the beliefs of our fathers, since the cradle of the world until the superstitions of our campaigns. The author researches how our myths came to be, the sources, the people, the cultures... Large Print edition with 15 point font, not a scanned reprint, but a newly formatted reprint.
During my visit to the Southwest, in the summer of 1885, it was my good fortune to arrive at the Navajo Reservation a few days before the commencement of a Navajo healing ceremonial. Learning of the preparation for this, I decided to remain and observe the ceremony, which was to continue nine days and nights. The occasion drew to the place some 1,200 Navajos. The scene of the assemblage was an extensive plateau near the margin of Keam's Canyon, Arizona.
The Mysteries of the Ancient Grecian religions; the cryptic teachings and occult interpretations of the popular religious beliefs communicated to disciples by the priests in the temples of ancient Egypt, Assyria, and India: the interesting, half fabulous, half historical episode of Pythagoras and the Pythagorean League in Magna Graecia; the mystic, ascetic, and semi-monastic communities of the Therapeutae and the Essenes in Palestine a century before the birth of Jesus Christ; the later developments of Mysticism in the time of the Roman Empire
First published in 1893, this book contains a detailed discussion of the funerary rituals and objects which were used in Egyptian religion to allow the deceased to live again in the Duat (the afterlife). Budge provides detailed descriptions of common religious texts, religious rites and the major deities involved in these. He also includes interpretations for other artefacts which commonly accompanied a burial, including shabiti statues and amulets. His comprehensive study represents the state of Egyptian funerary archaeology before major archaeological finds of the twentieth century challenged its interpretations.
This book was originally written for the purpose of disenchanting certain credulous inquirers, who fancied that the exercise of spiritual powers could be taught by teaching them certain incantations and formulas. It was to prove that spiritual powers must be developed before they can be exercised, and to explain the conditions necessary for their development. Since the appearance of the previous edition, a little additional knowledge, gained by the experiences of my own inner life, has enabled me to make certain corrections; to sift out much of what was irrelevant, and to remodel a great deal of what was incorrectly expressed. Moreover in this edition an attempt has been made to answer the numerous questions which have been addressed to me by the readers of "Magic".
Hard to find reprint from 1867 for the researcher or adherent to Freemasonry.
William Wynn Westcott (1848-1925) was an English Freemason, Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and co-founder the Golden Dawn. His original 1890 work on numbers was recognized as a significant treatise and of value to all students of numerology.
Set of Two Books, Both Volumes of this incredible research by the Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, E.A. Wallis Budge. Budge shows the reader the ancient worship of Osiris originating and flourishing in Africa. These volumes illustrate in depth and in rich detail the African and year-god character of the worship of Osiris. The religion of Osiris is very ancient and its analogies with later religions are clear, although there are differences in detail. The tale of of the mythology and ritual of Osiris had never before been told until Dr. Budge published these books.
Being A Comparative History Of These Myths Compiled From The "Ritual Of The Dead", Egyptian Inscriptions, Papyri, And Monuments In The British And Continental Museums. The Whole Illustrated With 129 Engravings.
A collection of true stories of experiences with the psychic world