
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Secrets of the Mojave
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Ghebers of Hebron, The
Catalog #: SKU2513

The Hebrew and Ghebers have both become lost races and lost civilizations. The Jews of today lay claim to the Hebrew religion and language, but not necessarily to the lost race. This book lays open other possibilities of the origin of the Hebrew people, other than Mesopotamia. Were the Ghebers the real progenitors of the Hebrew race?

Thrice Greatest Hermes (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU2514

Thrice born Hermes is a unique anomoly in the world of mystic literature. Mr. Mead has probably made the most in-depth study of Hermes than any other researcher. Three volumes of facts and details about this man(god?) that has influenced every religion and philosophy.

Life Symbols as Related to Sex Symbolism
Catalog #: SKU2516

A well researched book into symbolism. Symbolism, whether we recognize it or not, is an undercurrent beneath everything we do.

Divine Plan of the Ages as Shown in The Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2523

The Great Pyramid has excited many researchers. Some of these were so impressed with its magnificance they turned their studies into new religions. Russell was one such researcher. While there's no need to adhere to these errant religions, there also much to glean from these author's observations and research. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater?

Great Pyramid Observatory, Tomb, Temple
Catalog #: SKU2524

This author present a very rational theory and observation about the Pyramid and its effect on history and religions.

New Light from the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2525

The astronomico-geographical system of the ancients recovered and applied to history and religion, with an exposition of the scientific religion of Adam, the first man.

Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2526

From one of the great researchers into the pyramids of Egypt, Piazzi Smith. Smith's work has been the basis or starting point for many researchers, scientific and religious, since this book was published.

Papers on the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2527

A short treatise on the measurements and calendrical aspects of the Great Pyramid

Pillar of Witness
Catalog #: SKU2528

A scholarly look at the Great Pyramid as the Biblical 'witness' in Egypt.

Pyramid and the Bible
Catalog #: SKU2529

Is the Pyramid and the Bible inter-related? The pyramid is the basis for several religions and secret societies... what truth is there? Discount the religious aspects and glean from the research.

Great Pyramid of Gizeh: A Symbol of Universal Truth
Catalog #: SKU2532

A quick study into the symbology and meaning of the Great Pyramid

Great Pyramid: Its History and Teachings
Catalog #: SKU2533

Marks takes a look at the pyramid's history, its science and its religious significance to Christianity

Mosaic System of Chronology In the Elucidation of the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2534

A bit of a different look at the Bible and the Pyramid. Most of the theorists look at the Pyramid as an extension of the Bible. This author takes the view that the Bible is the key to the Pyramid.

Solomon's Seal: A Key to the Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2536

Letters on the relationship of the Pyramid to measure and its kaballistic connections.

Temple of Solomon
Catalog #: SKU2537

The importance of the Temple of Solomon to Freemasonry from a biblical and historical standpoint.
