
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Secrets of the Mojave
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



EROS : The Development of the Sex Relation Through the Ages
Catalog #: SKU2124

A unique study into the history of mankind's sexual relations with each other, including its religious aspects and connections.

Freemasonry : Its Symbolism, Religious Natureand Law of Perfection
Catalog #: SKU2126

A masterful work and deeper study into the meaning and relevance of Freemasonry, exploring its many mysteries, including Kaballa.

Priapic Rites and Phallic Principles of the Hindus
Catalog #: SKU2129

A treatise and study of Phallic worship in relation to and practiced by the ancient Hindu religion.

History of Initiation, The
Catalog #: SKU2130

Account of the Rites and Ceremonies,Doctrines & Disciplines,of All the Secret and Mysterious >
Institutions of the Ancient World -- Rare look into the rites of initiation, the origin, meaning, symbolism, and history.

History of the Knights Templar
Catalog #: SKU2131

With the Da Vinci Code movie being so popular, its time for people to discover the true history of this mysterious and elusive society.... This is a facsimile of an 1840 edition of this rare book.

Hollow Globe, The
Catalog #: SKU2135

The hollow earth has held man's fascination for century upon century. The author presents an argument that it is natural and necessary for the globe we live on to be hollow.

In the Land of the Living Dead
Catalog #: SKU2136

An Occult Story from the Rosicrucians - The Rosicrucians remain the most mysterious of all the arcane secret societies. This is an occult story by them during World War 1.

Knights Templar, The
Catalog #: SKU2137

The author did exhaustive 'on-site' research into this elusive mystery of the Knights Templar. How and where they originated, their missions, mysteries, and how they met their destruction.

Light of Britannia, The
Catalog #: SKU2139

Mysteries of Ancient British Druidism Unveiled; The Original Source of Phallic Worship; Secrets of King Arthur's Court; Creed of the Stone Age Restored; Holy Grael Discovered in Wales.

Lost Atlantis And Other Ethnographic Studies
Catalog #: SKU2141

A scientific look and historical studies into Atlantis and other questions of the ancient world.

Mysteries of Ancient South America
Catalog #: SKU2145

South America's ancient civilizations rival those of ancient Africa or Asia. Wilkins sheds much light on these missing peoples, cities, and civilizations.

Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar
Catalog #: SKU2147

Bennett reveals the historical connections between Masonry and Templars.

Pythgorean Triangle : Science of Numbers
Catalog #: SKU2154

Masonic culture is obsessed with geometry and the math sciences. Oliver teaches why this secret society bases its foundations on the triangle.

Signs and Symbols In Freemasonry
Catalog #: SKU2160

A revelation of those 'secret' signs and symbols of Masonry.

Story of Freemasonry
Catalog #: SKU2162

A quick look at the history and reason for Freemasonry
