
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Secrets of the Mojave
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Occult, Witchcraft and the Devil's Feast In Old Mother Russia
Catalog #: SKU2066

I knew Russia from her Western confines right to the Pacific and the Pamir, and I think I understand the psychology of the peoples of that vast, mysterious land, where modern civilization of the West and the ideology of Mongolian nomads, the asceticism of orthodox Christianity and heathenism exist together in weird confusion to this very day.

The Russian intelligentsia, spiritualized and rising to the loftiest idealism, has long ago cut adrift from the people; it could not understand the great mass and contemptuously disdained to notice its qualities, hostile and dangerous to mankind, which nevertheless remained.

Our Story of Atlantis
Catalog #: SKU2067

WHY is this book written? is the most pertinent question asked an author at the outset of composition. It is echoed and re-echoed by critic and reader upon its publication. It certainly appears to be a fair question whenever, the subjects seem so much out of the route of ordinary in formation, as the present volume.

UFO Abduction From Undersea
Catalog #: SKU2073

UFOs have been appearing in the heavens since the beginning of recorded history. Thousands of sightings have been made. Hundreds of credible witnesses have experienced close encounters of the first, second and third kind. Yet, forgotten amongst the many dozens of always fascinating accounts are the sightings made at sea. USOs have following our ocean faring vessels, and have been known to light up the sea at night as they head for their "home away from home."

Venusian Health Magic & Venusian Secret Science
Catalog #: SKU2074


Catalog #: SKU2075

WHAT is a werwolf? To this there is no one very satisfactory reply. There are, indeed, so many diverse views held with regard to the nature and classification of werwolves, their existence is so keenly disputed, and the subject is capable of being regarded from so many standpoints, that any attempt at definition in a restricted sense would be well-nigh impossible.

Without Consent: Abduction The Sum Of Our Darkest Fears
Catalog #: SKU2076

Fear is a state of mind. . . and it is not uncommon for those who are touched by the unseen and the unknown to fear that which is not human or man made. guess that would include both UFOs and the occupants of these globes and saucers that come in the dead of night and remove the unsuspecting from their homes and their bedrooms and subject them to all manner of nightmare.

Pagan and Christian Rome
Catalog #: SKU2082

It has been contended, and many still believe, that in ancient Rome the doctrines of Christ found no proselytes, except among the lower and poorer classes of citizens. That is certainly a noble picture which represents the new faith as searching among the haunts of poverty and slavery, seeking to inspire faith, hope, and charity in their occupants; to transform them from things into human beings; to make them believe in the happiness of a future life; to alleviate their present sufferings; to redeem their children from shame and servitude; to proclaim them equal to their masters. But the gospel found its way also to the mansions of the masters, nay, even to the palace of the C

Freemasonry Manual 1861 Edition
Catalog #: SKU2108

A massive volume on the rites and traditions of Freemasonry

Freemasonry Manual 1867 Edition
Catalog #: SKU2109

Condensed from the 1861 edition but still a massive volume on the rites and traditions of Freemasonry

Among the Himalayas
Catalog #: SKU2111

TGS reprints all of L. A. Waddell's work they can find. This latest reprint is a treasure in the author's research of the mysteries and lost cultures and civilizations in Tibet.

Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry
Catalog #: SKU2113

Does Vail remove the veil of the mysteries of masonry? That's probably too much credit, but this little book does delve into the meanings of the mysteries (including Christian mysteries) and their relation to Masons.

Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian SYMBOLISM
Catalog #: SKU2114

How much paganism was adopted, invited, or crept into the Christian rites and rituals over 2000 years? This book proves that there are many.

Antiquities of Freemasonry, The
Catalog #: SKU2115

Masonic traditions traced back to the beginning of time. - Illustrations of theFive Grand Periods of Freemasonry from the Creation of the World to the Dedication of King Solomon's Temple

Arcana of Freemasonry, The
Catalog #: SKU2116

Search out and learn the hidden truths of the Masons with Albert Churchward, also recognized for his scholarly historical works.

Cultus Arborum : Phallic Tree Worship
Catalog #: SKU2122

A small book delving into the meanings, origins, and development of Phallic worship.
