
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Secrets of the Mojave
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Pillar of Witness
Catalog #: SKU2528

A scholarly look at the Great Pyramid as the Biblical 'witness' in Egypt.

Catalog #: SKU1627

Although appearing in the full light of historical times, Pythagoras has come down to us as almost a legendary character. The main reason for this is the terrible persecution of which he was the victim in Sicily, and which cost so many of his followers their lives. Some were crushed to death beneath the ruins of their burning schools, others died of hunger in temples. The Master's memory and teaching were only perpetuated by such survivors as were able to escape into Greece.

Reincarnation : A Study In Human Evolution
Catalog #: SKU1903

A very good research based argument in favor of Reincarnation, and the author in his expertise brings forth many answers to other age old questions of man's spirit, consciousness, soul, afterlife, etc.

Secret Shakespearean Seals - Revelations of Rosicrucian Arcana
Catalog #: SKU2226

Shakespeare's works are embedded with secret symbols and codes. Are they the work of Rosicrucians? This author explores these mysteries.

Secret Societies: Character and Claims
Catalog #: SKU2472

A look at secret societies, their history, their claims, their motives, and from a Biblical viewpoint.

Stars Are Still There, The
Catalog #: SKU0991

What I have called the "war dead," the multitudes passing over from battle, are the bereavements that hit with the strongest impact. Yet actually they differ in no manner from any other loss by death. We are inclined to think more of their mass, their sheer weight of numbers, than of the fact that each carries its full of poignancy. Indeed, it may even be some small comfort to reflect that others are grieving too! And there is the sustaining glow and pride in sacrifice for a common cause. But each death on the battlefield is to some one the full measure of bereavement.

America's Assignment with Destiny
Catalog #: SKU0213

The story of unfolding of the esoteric tradition in the Western Hemisphere is told, beginning with the rites and mysteries of the Mayas and Aztecs. Parallels are drawn between the miracles of the North American Indian medicine priests and those of the wonder workers of India.

Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems
Catalog #: SKU3878

FROM remotest times, back even to the birth of humanity, Precious Stones and Talismans have been held in high estimation by all nations; the former, primarily because of their beauty, and the latter on account of their virtues, as transmitters of good luck and to avert misfortune.

Celtic Religion In Pre-Christian Times
Catalog #: SKU3177

It is only as prehistoric archaeology has come to throw more and more light on the early civilisations of Celtic lands that it has become possible to interpret Celtic religion from a thoroughly modern viewpoint. The author cordially acknowledges his indebtedness to numerous writers on this subject, but his researches into some portions of the field especially have suggested to him the possibility of giving a new presentation to certain facts and groups of facts, which the existing evidence disclosed. It is to be hoped that a new interest in the religion of the Celts may thereby be aroused. Large print 17 point font.

Cerberus: The Dog of Hades
Catalog #: SKU3353

Hermes, the guide of the dead, brings to Pluto's kingdom their psyches, "that gibber like bats, as they fare down the dank ways, past the streams of Okeanos, past the gates of the sun and the land of dreams, to the meadow of asphodel in the dark realm of Hades, where dwell the souls, the phantoms of men outworn."

Catalog #: SKU3386

The term clairvoyance (from 17th century French with clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses, a form of extra-sensory perception. A short study into understanding of clairvoyance.

Coronation Stone, The
Catalog #: SKU2249

Little known details about the Stone of Destiny in this booklet

Fiends, Ghosts, and Sprites
Catalog #: SKU3749

A belief in the supernatural has existed in all ages and among all nations. To trace the origin of this belief, the causes of the various modifications it has undergone, and the phases it has assumed, is, perhaps, one of the most interesting researches to which the mind can be given,-interesting, inasmuch as we find pervading every part of it the effects of those passions and affections which are most powerful and permanent in our nature.

Great Pyramid: Its History and Teachings
Catalog #: SKU2533

Marks takes a look at the pyramid's history, its science and its religious significance to Christianity

Heroes of Asgard
Catalog #: SKU3753

The little tales which follow, drawn from the most striking and picturesque of the Northern myths, are put together in the simplest possible form, and were written only with a design to make the subject interesting to children. By-and-bye, however, as we through their means become in a slight degree acquainted with the characters belonging to, and the parts played by, the various deities of this mythology, it will not be uninteresting to consider what their meaning may be, and to try if we can trace the connection of one with another.
