Historical Reprints
MISS MATHILDA HOCKERSNICKLER of Upper Little Puddlepatch sat at her half opened window. The book she was reading attracted her whole attention. A funeral cortege went by without her shadow falling across the fine lace curtains adorning her windows.
Exposition of the principles and practice of the art of reading the hand by which the past, the present, and the future can be explained and foretold.
How to acquire mystic power within yourself and develop your mind, body, and spirit, as taught by a Cherokee princess.
Historic study into the how man used magic to determine his name, and how the name chosen magically related to life.
Includes: Oracle of Human Destiny, Mystic Alphabet of the Magi, Golden Wheel of Fortune, Invoking Spirits in the Crystal, Divination.
This Monitor was prepared especially to conform to the work in this jurisdiction. It may be studied with profit by every Mason, whether he be an officer or not. The youngest Entered Apprentice will find it helpful and useful in assisting him to fix upon his mind those beautiful first lessons. The officers from Master of Ceremonies to Worshipful Master will find it convenient and indispensable in the performance correctly of the beautiful ceremonies of the institution.
Two Books incorporated in one volume. You've heard or read about the Mayan Calendar and prophecies, but how do these people come to the conclusions they write about? And how can we verify their results? This reprint is one manual that can give you an understanding of how the experts read and interpret ancient Mayan calendars and time.
Is there a mystery connected with the life of Francis Bacon? The average student of history or literature will unhesitatingly reply in the negative, perhaps qualifying his answer by adding:--Unless it be a mystery that a man with such magnificent intellectual attainments could have fallen so low as to prove a faithless friend to a generous benefactor in the hour of his trial, and, upon being raised to one of the highest positions of honour and influence in the State, to become a corrupt public servant and a receiver of bribes to pervert justice.
Read and study into the beliefs, culture and mysteries of the Pawnee, a native American Indian tribe.
An odd book on talismanic magic spells because it was published in the author's handwriting instead of type-setting, yet, it is still readable over a hundred years after the original printing. This small book is a treasure trove of information on cabbalistic magic.
A Life filled with the supernatural. Apparitions, Visions, Second Sight, Hypnotic Trances, Weird Mystic Ceremonies, Indian Magicians, Religious Rites.. and more in this biography.
Spirit-Soul Mates: their pre-existence, sex life, marriage, divorce, Earth pilgrimages, and reunions.
A foundation of the Royal Arch in Masonry, reaching back into Antiquity, the Temple of Solomon and more...