
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Secrets of the Mojave
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Legend of the Holy Grail
Catalog #: SKU3852

Whilst some of the reasons which render the study of the Grail legends so fascinating, because so problematic, will probably always remain in force, others will vanish before the increase of knowledge.

Maya Codices : Aids To The Study
Catalog #: SKU1811

You've heard or read about the Mayan Calendar and prophecies, but how do these people come to the conclusions they write about? And how can we verify their results? This reprint is one manual that can give you an understanding of how the experts read and interpret the ancient Mayan manuscripts.

Mental Body
Catalog #: SKU1925

This book is the third of the series dealing with man's bodies, its two predecessors having been The Etheric Double and The Astral Body. First, we shall have to consider the mental body as the vehicle through which the Self manifests as concrete intellect, in which are developed the powers of the mind, including those of memory and imagination, and which, in the later stages of man's evolution, serves as a separate and distinct vehicle of consciousness, in which the man can live and function quite apart from both his physical and his astral bodies.

Mimes of the Courtesans
Catalog #: SKU1853

A look back at the social and sexual customs of our ancient ancestors. These ancient writings reveal the roots of how our societal customs have evolved into this modern era.

Mysteries of Isis
Catalog #: SKU3083

A rare treatise connecting dots between the Mystery Religions, Old Testament stories and prophecies, and New Testatment prophecies, including the USA in prophetic light. This is a facsimile reprint of the 1858 edition

Myths of Mexico and Peru
Catalog #: SKU1249

IN recent years a reawakening has taken place in the study of American arch

Nichiren: The Buddhist Prophet
Catalog #: SKU2840

We know in the West about most of the Biblical prophets from Isaiah to Edgar Cayce, but seldom do we consider that there are revered and respected prophets from other religions. This book about one such Eastern world prophet.

Palmistry for All
Catalog #: SKU2920

There is no country in the world where the "study of character" is more indulged in than in the United States of America. During my many visits there I could not help remarking how even the "hardest headed" business men used any form of this study that they could get hold of to help them in their business dealings with other men and also in endeavouring to ascertain the character of their clerks and employees.

Sacred Chants of the Navajo : Mountain Chant: A Navajo Ceremony
Catalog #: SKU1812

The First Americans used chants and dances for prophecy, medicine, make changes to the weather, and calls to the gods or prayers, similar to the methods used in Buddhism and Hinduism. Yet little in depth study has been accomplished on the First American practices, as has been done in the Asian religions.

Sceptical Chymist, The : or Chymico-Physical
Catalog #: SKU1639

This Discourse some years after falling into the hands of some Learned men, had the good luck to be so favourably receiv'd, and advantageously spoken of by them, that having had more then ordinary Invitations given me to make it publick, I thought fit to review it, that I might retrench some things that seem'd not so fit to be shewn to every Reader.

Sealed Magical Book of Moses
Catalog #: SKU1526

Of all the prophets, Moses remains the most highly regarded. It is said that the Magical Art of Moses originally was told to select angels, who then taught this wisdom to humankind as a means for the human race to attain perfection.

Shadow Land : Light From The Other Side
Catalog #: SKU1755

What a new field for science! A missionary spirit inspired you and you were ready for any sacrifice for the triumph of the truth of spirit intercourse. The greatest mystery of this life is what comes after this life-- this author explores those realms.

Songs of Bilitis
Catalog #: SKU1852

One of the hidden mysteries to the modern world is the openness of sex, nakedness, love, and love-making experienced in the ancient world. It was taken as matter of fact eons ago, yet kept the romance and titillating discourses that would rival any modern erotica. Obviously humankind has forsaken one of its pleasures, sacrificed on the altars of priests and religious nonsense.

Superstitions of Witchcraft
Catalog #: SKU2648

The author looks at Witchcraft in the 17th century as a living religion or faith and traces the history of that faith with Christianity's reactions to the witch's faith.

Taboo, Magic, Spirits
Catalog #: SKU1407

ROMAN religion, as we meet it in historical times, is a congeries of many elements. One of the problems of the modern scholar is to separate and interpret these various elements--primitive, Latin, Etruscan, Greek, Oriental.
