Historical Reprints
TGS reprints all of L. A. Waddell's work they can find. This latest reprint is a treasure in the author's research of the mysteries and lost cultures and civilizations in Tibet.
The reader will find in this book a firm assurance of God's care of mankind as a whole and of each human being. The assurance is rested in God's infinite love and wisdom, the love pure mercy, the wisdom giving love its ways and means. It is further grounded in an interpretation of the universe as a spiritual-natural world, an interpretation fully set forth in the earlier book, Divine Love and Wisdom, on which the present work draws heavily. Large print 13 point font.
Masonic traditions traced back to the beginning of time. - Illustrations of theFive Grand Periods of Freemasonry from the Creation of the World to the Dedication of King Solomon's Temple
This ignored scientific research was by one of India's political warriors, who dared to confront the British occupation and British destruction of his homeland. He finds that Aryan race of man to be birthed from the Arctic areas of the planet, based on readings in the sacred Vedas...and he backs this with independent and scientfic research.
Christianity is an historical religion and must be judged historically. We trace its course along the stream of time and show its character and achievements. Without dwelling unnecessarily on individual cases of fanaticism and folly, we exhibit its action on society, and its principles as formulated by Councils and illustrated by general practice.
There is evidence that Planet X is
A unique study into the history of mankind's sexual relations with each other, including its religious aspects and connections.
Condensed from the 1861 edition but still a massive volume on the rites and traditions of Freemasonry
Includes Free CD with melodies and beats of the Sacred Chants Plus a Color Picture Section - There is nothing more fascinating than watching or experiencing the faith and intenseness of Native American beliefs in their practices, healing, and religion.
Account of the Rites and Ceremonies,Doctrines & Disciplines,of All the Secret and Mysterious >
Institutions of the Ancient World -- Rare look into the rites of initiation, the origin, meaning, symbolism, and history.
The hollow earth has held man's fascination for century upon century. The author presents an argument that it is natural and necessary for the globe we live on to be hollow.
The author did exhaustive 'on-site' research into this elusive mystery of the Knights Templar. How and where they originated, their missions, mysteries, and how they met their destruction.
A scientific look and historical studies into Atlantis and other questions of the ancient world.
Study of the Hands and Head for character, personality, health, and predictions..
First published in 1893, this book contains a detailed discussion of the funerary rituals and objects which were used in Egyptian religion to allow the deceased to live again in the Duat (the afterlife). Budge provides detailed descriptions of common religious texts, religious rites and the major deities involved in these. He also includes interpretations for other artefacts which commonly accompanied a burial, including shabiti statues and amulets. His comprehensive study represents the state of Egyptian funerary archaeology before major archaeological finds of the twentieth century challenged its interpretations.