Historical Reprints
I have been reading stories by Richard Shaver for many a blue, hollow earth moon. In fact, at the age of 14 I was already a fan of Shaver's. Otherwise, why would I have written my first book on the subject of Shaver and his demented dero? Gray Barker published my initial humble work. The Shaver Mystery and the Inner Earth is still in print as Subterranean Worlds Inside Earth.
I discovered Ray Palmer's science fiction magazine, Other Worlds, in 1954, when the science fiction field was collapsing around our ears and poor old Other Worlds was a weak-kneed shadow of its former self.
The Shaver Mystery is much more than just a fantastic look at a cavern world that Richard Shaver long contended exists beneath us surface dwellers . We are, Shaver always said, talking about more than just the Dero and the Tero and long lost civilizations. Remembering Lemuria is just the tip of the iceberg.
I knew Russia from her Western confines right to the Pacific and the Pamir, and I think I understand the psychology of the peoples of that vast, mysterious land, where modern civilization of the West and the ideology of Mongolian nomads, the asceticism of orthodox Christianity and heathenism exist together in weird confusion to this very day.
The Russian intelligentsia, spiritualized and rising to the loftiest idealism, has long ago cut adrift from the people; it could not understand the great mass and contemptuously disdained to notice its qualities, hostile and dangerous to mankind, which nevertheless remained.
The Third Reich went underground (literally) after the war and may be attempting to jumpstart a Fourth Reich any day now with their crazy flying machines that could still be functioning and airborne in our present time.
To some to be healed by vibration may appear miraculous but of course it is the natural operation of a common mental and physical law of vibration. A superstitious or religious belief that the Lord spoke and it was done, or, a bigoted idea of the miraculous power of God could have produced the same effect.
Lord Lytton is famous for his book "The Coming Race" that included his vision for an energy called 'VRIL power.' The Third Reich was evidently quite aware of Lytton's visions and theories, as they named some of their experimental craft "VRIL". Many other of Lord Lytton's books are merely dismissed as literature or fiction. Though written in fiction prose, his other mysteries and visions are recorded in his less known works. TGS has selected some of these books by Lord Lytton to add to their historical reprints catalog.
There is a buzzing, a stirring in the air. It's all around us and people are feeling it in every part of the world. You can tell something is going to happen. But when? Where? And who will be involved?
Astronomy is an ancient science; and though of late it has made a fresh start in new regions, and we are opening on the era of fresh and unlooked-for discoveries which will soon reveal our present ignorance, our advance upon primitive ideas has been so great that it is difficult for us to realize what they were without an attentive and not uninstructive study of them.
The Angels of the Seven Planets, their Sigils, the Signs and Houses of the Planets, the names of the Seven Heavens, according to the Magical Elements of Peter de Abano, with the names of the Olympic Spirits of the Planets according to the Arbatel of Magic, and the Infernal Sigils of the Evil Planetary Spirits according to the Red Dragon.
Some may think that "Caesar's Column" should not have been published. Will it arrest the moving evil to ignore its presence? What would be thought of the surgeon who, seeing upon his patient's lip the first nodule of the cancer, tells him there is no danger, and laughs him into security while the roots of the monster eat their way toward the great arteries? If my message be true it should be spoken; and the world should hear it. The cancer should be cut out while there is yet time.
Marvels of science, mechanical improvements, increase of wealth (and income tax), and the perfection of all warlike apparatus, seem to blind us to the fact that abstract qualities of mind have shown no symptoms of progression.
To the best of my knowledge, the theme of European Troglodytes has remained hitherto undealt with, though occasional mention has been made of those on the Loire. It has been taken for granted that cave-dwellers belonged to a remote past in civilised Europe; but they are only now being expelled in Nottinghamshire and Shropshire, by the interference of sanitary officers.
The Great Pyramid has excited many researchers. Some of these were so impressed with its magnificance they turned their studies into new religions. Russell was one such researcher. While there's no need to adhere to these errant religions, there also much to glean from these author's observations and research. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater?
From the world of mystery, Tim Beckley brings back the lost studies of the dragon and the unicorn. The dragon and the unicorn prevails in ancient writings, and their existence as pure fiction must be put to the test of true research. After all, the Ancient City of Troy was once just 'fiction' in the minds of the established scientific community.