Historical Reprints
The English Miracle Plays, Founded on Apocryphal New Testament Story Extant Among the Unpublished Manuscripts in the British Museum including Notices of Ecclesiastical Shows: the Festival of Fools and Assess; the English Boy Bishop; The Descent into Hell; The Lord Mayor's Show; The Guildhall Giants; Christmas Carols, etc. Contents: The Birth of Mary; Mary's Education in the Temple; The Miraculous Espousal of Joseph and Mary; A Council of the Trinity and the Incarnation; Joseph's Jealousy; Visit of Mary to Elizabeth; The Trial of Mary and Joseph; The Miraculous Birth and the Midwives.
Man knows that there is such a thing as love, but he does not know what love is. He knows that there is such a thing as love from common speech, as when it is said, he loves me, a king loves his subjects, and subjects love their king, a husband loves his wife, a mother her children, and conversely; also, this or that one loves his country, his fellow citizens, his neighbor; and likewise of things abstracted from person, as when it is said, one loves this or that thing. Large print 15 point font.
We use Norse mythology everyday of the week, either without knowing it or not thinking about it. Tuesday, Wodensday, Thorsday, and Freysday.... Why do these so-called mythologies continue to amaze and confound us? Are they fiction stories built around true and factual events? Nonsense you say--- but you also said that about the mythological Legend of Troy.. and now proven as a factual place in time and history.
All very ancient legend and the most rudimentary history, the vague allusions of Plato, Aristotle and Seneca, speak of a country in the Western Ocean, which would scarcely be likely to be the distant Americas; and I think we may accept those legends as to a land existing in what is now the Atlantic Ocean at about the period discussed, remembering that after all legend is oral history and starts with some foundations.
In my distilling processes, I frequently precipitated the phlegma of our earthball--its polar deserts, its Russian forests, its icebergs--and from the sediments extracted a beautiful by-earth, a small satellite. If we extract and regulate the charms of this old world, we can form a delightful though minutely condensed world.
There is undeniably a mystic side of Christianity once you throw off the chains of closed minded fundamentalism.
Of all the myths which have come down to us from the East, and of all the creations of Western fancy and belief, the Personality of Evil has had the strongest attraction for the mind of man. The Devil is the greatest enigma that has ever confronted the human intelligence. So large a place has Satan taken in our imagination, and we might also say in our heart, that his expulsion therefrom, no matter what philosophy may teach us, must for ever remain an impossibility. As a character in imaginative literature Lucifer has not his equal in heaven above or on the earth beneath.
In spite of the advances in our knowledge of Ancient Egypt which decipherment of many of the monuments of the old Pharaohs has made possible, two basic questions of the first magnitude still remain outstanding in as great uncertainty as in the days of Herodotus. These are the question of the Origin of the Civilization of the Country, and the question of the Dates of its Kings and Dynasties.
An archeological discovery made possible by the spirit writing of a medium. A verified psychic case, that proves that science doesn't have all the answers... yet.
Very few published studies about the Etruscan civilization is available to the researcher and student of antiquity. So we feel lucky to reprint rare research on this lost civilization, so feared and revered by the Romans.
Why would the FBI be tracking and investigating Nikola Tesla? National security, or national secrets, or were his inventions considered as national treasures and importance?
Hawaiians worshipped the volcanoes as Gods, for these mountains truly held the power of life and death over the islands.
TWO BOOKS IN ONE VOLUME: Containing the history of the true and the false Rosicrucians with an introduction into the mysteries of the hermetic philosophy and an appendix containing the principles of the yoga-philosophy of the Rosicrucians and Alchemists
The author's expertise and knowledge of the Sumerian language helped to hasten the early decoding of the Indus Valley seals.
AFTER a lapse of 205 years since the first publication, in 1647, of Lilly's Introduction to Astrology, there would be no necessity for an apology for its re-appearance, were it not for the prevailing fashion of the day, which is to rail at and vituperate that science, and all who dare to say a word, not in its favour, but in favour of examining into its merits, with a view to ascertain what were the grounds on which our honest ancestors believed, and strictly followed, that which we conceive only fit for ridicule.