Historical Reprints
One of the most difficult ruins to get to in North America - a natural fortress built by the First Americans. This author was one of the first scientists to investigate and report on this magnificent edifice...
Such a lot of people like to have big words. Such a lot of people mess up the whole thing when they go in for Big Words.
The true story of witchcraft in old Connecticut has never been told. It has been hidden in the ancient records and in manuscripts in private collections, and those most conversant with the facts have not made them known, for one reason or another. It is herein written from authoritative sources, and should prove of interest and value as a present-day interpretation of that strange delusion, which for a half century darkened the lives of the forefathers and foremothers of the colonial days.
I have tried to bring out the exceedingly practical character of many of the discoveries made by those scientists who, despite the often contemptuous criticism of their colleagues, have valiantly persisted in their adventurings in the psychical. The world has undoubtedly been the gainer, and richly the gainer, by their labors; and it surely is well worth while to survey in some detail the field they have explored and the results of their explorations.
Does Vail remove the veil of the mysteries of masonry? That's probably too much credit, but this little book does delve into the meanings of the mysteries (including Christian mysteries) and their relation to Masons.
How much paganism was adopted, invited, or crept into the Christian rites and rituals over 2000 years? This book proves that there are many.
The invention of the Alphabet is generally admitted to be one of the very greatest scientific human achievements. It enables civilized men by an easy system of some twenty four or so sound-sings or letter to rapidly express and register their thoughts and speak through time and space, conduct their everyday business by registers and correspondence, and chronicle their experience for the use of future generations by permanent records.
This book 2 in a series of four books by this author, researching and enlightening readers on the 'spirit' of man, its role and functions. As in the case of The Etheric Double, the compiler has consolidated the information obtained from a large number of books, a list of which is given, arranging the material, which covers a vast field and is exceedingly complex, as methodically as lay within his power.
Was Bacon's secret cypher hidden in other books? This little book explores that possibility and provides the author's research into the matter.
The faint flickering gleam of fourteen little Candles shines forth into the world, bringing to a vast number of people some of the Light of astral knowledge.
This book forms the fourth, and last, of the series of compilations dealing with the bodies of man. Throughout the series the same plan has been adopted. When we come to study the causal body of man, we enter upon a new phase of our work, and must take a far wider sweep in our purview of man's evolution. The reason for this is, that whilst the etheric, astral and mental bodies exist for one human incarnation only
Palmistry is now almost a forgotten art, but have we thrown out the baby with the bathwater?
Magic appears to have had its origin on the plains of Assyria, and the worship of the stars was the creed of those pastoral tribes who, pouring down from the mountains of Kurdistan into the wide level where Babylon afterwards raised its thousand towers, founded the sacerdotal race of the Chasdim or Chaldeans.
Study into both worlds of Mysticism and Science, how they tend to oppose each other, when they should compliment each other. A romantic tale woven to illustrate just this thought.