Historical Reprints
This is the 'bible' of the Aryan/Nordic peoples, with it's own account of creation, great flood, etc. If this book is authentic, it's information predates the oldest known Hebrew Torah manuscripts. Controversy surrounds this 'Holy Book' as does any book that challenges the status quo of Christianity's holy book.
Masonic culture is obsessed with geometry and the math sciences. Oliver teaches why this secret society bases its foundations on the triangle.
This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. "Return to Nature" was written by a man humanely inclined, and with a heart for the lowly as well as for all men who work towards the betterment of Humanity. May this volume be the means of spreading and propagating, health, peace and happiness, hope, faith and enlightenment in the thousand homes.
An in depth look and research into the Judaism's Secret Doctrines, commonly referred to as the Kaballah. Arthur Waite was an avid and capable student of the 'mysteries' and his studies into the Secret Doctrine reveal more than most modern writers on the subject.
The lost chronology of Egyptian history is explained, in contradiction to the 'established' view of Egyptian history.
The author describes the organized subversive movements against civilization and Christianity as directed by the Secret Societies, and traces their origins to the beginnings of the Christian era.
My first serious attempt to establish communication through planchette with a person or persons in a life beyond ours was made Sunday morning, March 3, 1918. Not so very serious an attempt, either, for I anticipated no success, and was not without a humorous appreciation of my position, sitting with my hand on a toy, inviting communication with celestial powers. I remember laughing a little, as I pictured the sardonic glee with which certain of my friends would be likely to regard such a proceeding.
THIS book is a true mystical mirror of the highest wisdom. The best treasure that a man can attain unto in this world is true knowledge; even the knowledge of himself: For man is the great mystery of God, the microcosm, or the complete abridgment of the whole universe
Moses' Magical Spirit-Art : This obscured book has been published from time to time by many, but this is the largest print edition we are aware of. This is also the first fully complete edition as it was derived from three rather dilipated old booklets.
Most laymen in the general public, know nothing about Speculative Masonry. This study reveals its origins and purpose.
Study with the author in his exploration of the Salisbury plains and Stonehenge: Large Print 17 point font.
Lectures about the most recognizable symbols of Freemasons.
It has been strongly impressed upon me for some years past to write an account of the wonderful experiences I have passed through in my investigation of the science of Spiritualism. In doing so I intend to confine myself to recording facts. I will describe the scenes I have witnessed with my own eyes, and repeat the words I have heard with my own ears, leaving the deduction to be drawn from them wholly to my readers.
THE time has arrived, when the Great Wisdom, held and guarded for many centuries in the Far East, is now to come forth in America, at the command of those Great Ascended Masters who direct and protect the evolution of mankind upon this earth.
The Great Ascended Master, Saint Germain, throughout this series of books, is one of those Powerful Emissaries from the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters who govern this planet.