Historical Reprints
The invention of the Alphabet is generally admitted to be one of the very greatest scientific human achievements. It enables civilized men by an easy system of some twenty four or so sound-sings or letter to rapidly express and register their thoughts and speak through time and space, conduct their everyday business by registers and correspondence, and chronicle their experience for the use of future generations by permanent records.
In spite of the advances in our knowledge of Ancient Egypt which decipherment of many of the monuments of the old Pharaohs has made possible, two basic questions of the first magnitude still remain outstanding in as great uncertainty as in the days of Herodotus. These are the question of the Origin of the Civilization of the Country, and the question of the Dates of its Kings and Dynasties.
Aztec has survived the test of time. It is the UFO crash that refuses to lie down and die.
Hopefully this book will add to the weight of positive evidence that SOMETHING happened in a remote part of New Mexico these many, many years ago.
I revert to the impossibility of making an addition without a swerve of imagination, because plastic figures are always ready before the calculator. The man of imagination is always constructing by means of plastic images. Life possesses him, intoxicates him, so he never gets tired.
Battle of Harvest Moon and the True Story Behind Space Shuttles - Tesla: The Electric Magician and The Abduction Controllers
The Third Reich went underground (literally) after the war and may be attempting to jumpstart a Fourth Reich any day now with their crazy flying machines that could still be functioning and airborne in our present time.
IN the following pages I have sought to satisfy a request, often made to me, to give a short but comprehensive view of the whole fabric of the Arcane mysteries, and affinity with the Masonic System; and I here take the opportunity of recording my protest against the sceptical tendencies of the present generation of the Moderns who are Masons, and against the efforts that are made, in season and out of season, to underrate the indubitable antiquity of the Masonic ceremonies.
IN the following pages I have sought to satisfy a request, often made to me, to give a short but comprehensive view of the whole fabric of the Arcane mysteries, and affinity with the Masonic System; and I here take the opportunity of recording my protest against the sceptical tendencies of the present generation of the Moderns who are Masons, and against the efforts that are made, in season and out of season, to underrate the indubitable antiquity of the Masonic ceremonies.
A rare reprint of Albert Pike's Book of the Words - It is a study into the origin and meaning of those words/phrases peculiar to the art of Freemasonry. This reprint is a facsimile edition.
The old cabala per gematriam, as it was technically spoken of, is well known to Biblical scholars everywhere. The new cabala is scarcely mentioned in any books of reference, and the works containing specimens of it are rare in the highest degree; this latter fact accounting for the general want of knowledge on the subject.
Marvels of science, mechanical improvements, increase of wealth (and income tax), and the perfection of all warlike apparatus, seem to blind us to the fact that abstract qualities of mind have shown no symptoms of progression.
This book will be welcomed by all Freemasons who feel the beauty of their ancient Rite, and desire to add knowledge to their zeal. The inner History of Masonry is left aside for the present, and the apprentice is led by a trustworthy guide through the labyrinth which protects the central Shrine from careless and idle inquirers.
Any attempt at a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of "crystal seering," to use an irregular but comprehensive term, would perhaps fall short of completeness, and certainly would depend largely upon the exercise of what Professor Huxley was wont to call "the scientific imagination."
The subject of Initiation is one that has a great fascination for thinkers of all schools of thought, and even those who remain sceptical and critical would like to believe that this ultimate attainment is possible. To those who do not believe that such a goal is possible this book is offered for what it may be worth as a formulation of an interesting hypothesis. To those who anticipate such a consummation of all their endeavours, this book is tendered in the hope that it may prove an inspiration and a help.
Is there Biblical confirmation of a hollow earth or underground civilizations? Or scriptural reference to UFOs and/or other worlds of people? This preacher's research may indicate there actually is Biblical support for these ideas.