Historical Reprints
The supernatural is something that men scoff at in public, calling it superstition, but it is that supernatural that these same men worship on Sundays.
A history of the rise and progress of astrology.
A quick look at the rites and practices of the Eleusinian religion.
While we call these ancient cults and myths, these beliefs were just as real, just as fact, just as truth as Christianity or Islam is to their adherents today.
The author investigates the deep and hidden mysteries of many religions, mysteries, sciences, and philosophies.
The Principles and Practice of Hand Reading
To some to be healed by vibration may appear miraculous but of course it is the natural operation of a common mental and physical law of vibration. A superstitious or religious belief that the Lord spoke and it was done, or, a bigoted idea of the miraculous power of God could have produced the same effect.
To some to be healed by vibration may appear miraculous but of course it is the natural operation of a common mental and physical law of vibration. A superstitious or religious belief that the Lord spoke and it was done, or, a bigoted idea of the miraculous power of God could have produced the same effect.
Learn character analysis through the art of palm reading.
Exposition of the principles and practice of the art of reading the hand by which the past, the present, and the future can be explained and foretold.
Learn the techniques and definitions of the ancient art of palmistry practiced in India.
Revealing the means and methods of Indian conjuring.. what makes that snake dance?
The art of recognizing the tendencies of the human mind from the observation of the formations of the hands.
What can the head, face and head tell you about one's personality, character, health, and future?
There is no country in the world where the "study of character" is more indulged in than in the United States of America. During my many visits there I could not help remarking how even the "hardest headed" business men used any form of this study that they could get hold of to help them in their business dealings with other men and also in endeavouring to ascertain the character of their clerks and employees.