Beyond Reality Mysteries Explored


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Secrets of the Mojave
Living in the Matrix : Another Way : Numerology for a New Day

Mysteries Explored


Pirate Island
Catalog #: SKU2349

A Story of the South Pacific - The romance of the era of pirates continues to draw our curiousity. Yet, this history, like the wild, wild, west of Texas lasted but a short time. Read from the early stories about pirates that captured our imagination. Great for children! Originally published in 1885.

Pirate of the Mediterranean
Catalog #: SKU2350

The romance of the era of pirates continues to draw our curiousity. Yet, this history, like the wild, wild, west of Texas lasted but a short time. Read from the early stories about pirates that captured our imagination. Great for children! Originally published in 1851.

Pirate Slaver
Catalog #: SKU2351

The romance of the era of pirates continues to draw our curiousity. Yet, this history, like the wild, wild, west of Texas lasted but a short time. Read from the early stories about pirates that captured our imagination. Great for children! Originally published in 1893.

Pirate, The
Catalog #: SKU2352

The romance of the era of pirates continues to draw our curiousity. Yet, this history, like the wild, wild, west of Texas lasted but a short time. Read from the early stories about pirates that captured our imagination. This is one of the few factual histories recorded about piracy. Written circa 1811.

Playing Cards Embody a Scientific Record of the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU4019

Does the geometrical math of playing cards lead to the Great Pyramid of Egypt?

Political History of the Devil
Catalog #: SKU2628

This is a scanned reprint of Defoe's famous book. It was written in 1726, and shows the linguistics, spelling, and characters of that age. It is a curious tale of our famous Devil and how he has subjected mankind to his authority.

Popol Vuh
Catalog #: SKU0802

The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kiches of Central America- When the Spanish took over Central America in the 16th and 17th centuries they made certain to destroy the writings and holy books of the native Mayans in an effort to convert them to Christianity. Few texts survived, yet one did of the highest importance. It is called The Popol Vuh. It is the creation story of the Mayan culture

Power of the Dragon
Catalog #: SKU0726

The Power of the Dragon is a masterpiece of incredible information based on the esoteric power of the nodes of the moon. Free of mathematical jargon, this book divulges the secrets of what it means to be human. More insights and discernment is induced by the Dragon than in an entire conventional astrological chart.

Practical Guide to Psychic Powers
Catalog #: SKU0549

"This book is an excellent primer for those who desire to begin the greatest journey of their life-the journey int to realm of psychic development. Denning and Phillips knowledgeably point you in the right direction, and then they provide sound exercises to start you on your journey. How far you go is up to you, but this is the book to get you started."

Practical Magic of Numerology
Catalog #: SKU0725

A new approach to this old-age science guiding you through your own journey - Our DAY of Birth, our MONTH of Birth and our YEAR of Birth, supply the basis of our journey and the definition of these NUMBERS never change, though they encompass a much broader view than I've given. In fact, our choices are endless. We need to observe and feel each Number's vibration to become familiar with them, for they will always be there to be taken advantage of.

Practice of Palmistry, The
Catalog #: SKU2908

Palmistry has been used for fortune telling, predictions, and health diagnosis. Over 1100 Illustrations and a Palmistic Dictionary

Primitive Love and Love-Stories
Catalog #: SKU3836

"Love is always the same. As Sappho loved, fifty years ago, so did people love ages before her; so will they love thousands of years hence." These words, placed by Professor Ebers in the mouth of one of the characters in his historic novel, An Egyptian Princess, express the prevalent opinion on this subject, an opinion which I, too, shared fifteen years ago. Though an ardent champion of the theory of evolution, I believed that there was one thing in the world to which modern scientific ideas of gradual development did not apply-that love was too much part and parcel of human nature to have ever been different from what it is to-day.

Prophecies of Robert Nixon, Mother Shipton, and Martha, the Gipsy.
Catalog #: SKU3658

The Prophecy of Nixon has so often given a name to the productions of authors of different principles, that it is now almost become a doubt whether such a person ever existed. Passing through Cheshire lately, curiosity led me to inquire what credit these legends bore among the natives: and I was not a little surprised to find with what confidence they related events which have come to pass within the memory of many of the inhabitants; and how strictly they adhered to the notion that he would not fail in the rest.

Catalog #: SKU2854

When God created the world he truly did create everything in it. Just as herbs can be used for healing and for psychic means, so can all the stones that exist right around us.

Psychology of Beauty
Catalog #: SKU3121

A look at the symmetry of beauty in the visual, aural, and form.
