Beyond Reality
Mysteries Explored
The case for the "psychic" element in literature rests on a very old foundation; it reaches back to the ancient masters,-the men who wrote the Greek tragedies. Remorse will ever seem commonplace alongside the furies. Ever and always the shadow of the supernatural invites, pursues us.
This set of CDs was transcribed and edited to make the book, NEW MAGIC ERA. My CD lectures explore the spirit of what magic is really all about: imagination and creating and going beyond provincial ideas about systems and patterns and foolish New Age imagery.
Aztec has survived the test of time. It is the UFO crash that refuses to lie down and die.
Hopefully this book will add to the weight of positive evidence that SOMETHING happened in a remote part of New Mexico these many, many years ago.
No doubt the Beatles need no introduction, but perhaps Vedic astrology does. It is an ancient system of astrology which was handed down to humanity from the demigod civilization of celestial beings who are described in the Vedic literature, such as the Puranas. The Puranas describe that these celestial beings were not only responsible for generating humanity itself on our planet, but for fostering the human race by means of knowledge such as the ancient medicinal science, ayurveda; the astrological science; spiritual knowledge; and even knowledge in relation to subtle technologies and mysticism, such as levitation and vimanas-UFOs.
In the beginning of the year 1920 I happened to be living in the Siberian town of Krasnoyarsk, situated on the shores of the River Yenisei, that noble stream which is cradled in the sun-bathed mountains of Mongolia to pour its warming life into the Arctic Ocean and to whose mouth Nansen has twice come to open the shortest road for commerce from Europe to the heart of Asia.
Francis Bacon, Shakespeare, and their connection to the mysterious Rosicrucians secret society is still a puzzle unravelling.
Was Bacon's secret cypher hidden in other books? This little book explores that possibility and provides the author's research into the matter.
An exhaustive study into the hypothesis that Francis Bacon and William Shakespeare were one and the same person.
This is the cradle of 'western' civilization and its religions-- From Adam and Eve, to Noah to Abraham, this place is where it's happening--- why is the birthplace of all modern western religions so contentious that the west must suppress and oppress the people there today? This book won't answer that directly... but it is food for thought as you read the life and times of the Assyrians and Babylonians.
The history of monsters forms an interesting division in the annals of mankind, and I should like in conclusion to call attention to the persistency of this belief down to the threshhold almost of our own days. Among the Romans up to the latest period the old law of either burning the monsters or of throwing them into the sea was generally carried out.
The power of oil, the anointing oil, the magic of oil.... Oil was revered in early Semitic cultures.
THE books of this author, that are already published, declare sufficiently the high worth of his deep writings: But of all the benefits that do accrue thereby it is one inestimable excellency of them that they help the minds of all sorts of people, that will take pains to read and consider them, in the understanding of the holy Scriptures: and that satisfactorily and convincingly, without need of any reference to the vast commentaries of authors, either in the learned or modern tongues.
This rare little book is from noted historian and esotericist Colonel J.F.C. Fuller. This copy was part of a published series titled Today and Tommorrow. The copy we had was titled Atlantis: America and the Future.
This book has been scanned as a special historical reprint project and no other formatting to the original text was attempted.
This book has been scanned as a special historical reprint project and no other formatting to the original text was attempted.