Beyond Reality
Mysteries Explored
This book explains exactly why a truck bomb could not and did not cause major damage to the Federal Building in Oklahoma City at 9:02 AM on April 19th, 1995. Also covered is how the building was really blown up, the media and FBI cover-up, McVeighs too-easy arrest, an eyewitness to the bombing who suddenly became secret, the much lied-about John Doe #2, alleged government foreknowledge of the bombing, NBCs suppression of its own stories, and much more.
IN presenting this Commentary on the Codex Perez to students of American Archaeology, the Peabody Museum adds another paper to its series relating to the study of the hieroglyphic writing of the ancient peoples of Mexico and Central America.
Something out there beyond the furthest reaches of the known solar system is tugging at Uranus and Neptune. A gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object, the long-sought Planet X. Astronomers are so certain of this planet's existence that they have already named it "Planet X."
From scientific data extracted from the "Philadelphia Experiment," as well as from information derived through Extraterrestrial sources: the military currently enjoys a remarkable acceleration of technology that is utterly "mind boggling," to the average person.
As most practitioners of magick, wizardry and other forms of spellwork already know, most covens or solitary workers of magick keep a handwritten Book of Shadows.
Even the most diehard believer in the notion that UFOs are interplanetary spacecraft and nothing else will have to admit that by now the odds are stacked against this theory. For more than fifty years, since the dawn of the modem era of "flying saucer" sightings, millions of strange, luminous "things" have been buzzing about as well as being chased and interacted with on all levels all over the globe.
Mr. UFO, Timothy Green Beckley, brings back the Shaver Mysteries as no one else in the publishing industry can, with his experience and knowledge of not only UFO anomalies, but strange occurences worldwide and underground. Tim Swartz, a business associate and friend of Mr. UFO, writes a new introduction to this special reprint.
Mr. UFO, Timothy Green Beckley, brings back the Shaver Mysteries as no one else in the publishing industry can, with his experience and knowledge of not only UFO anomalies, but strange occurences worldwide and underground. Mr. UFO writes his own personal introduction to this new reproduction of Shaver and Palmer's studies and experiences with the underground cavern civilizations.
This book 2 in a series of four books by this author, researching and enlightening readers on the 'spirit' of man, its role and functions. As in the case of The Etheric Double, the compiler has consolidated the information obtained from a large number of books, a list of which is given, arranging the material, which covers a vast field and is exceedingly complex, as methodically as lay within his power.
This book forms the fourth, and last, of the series of compilations dealing with the bodies of man. Throughout the series the same plan has been adopted. When we come to study the causal body of man, we enter upon a new phase of our work, and must take a far wider sweep in our purview of man's evolution. The reason for this is, that whilst the etheric, astral and mental bodies exist for one human incarnation only
This book is the third of the series dealing with man's bodies, its two predecessors having been The Etheric Double and The Astral Body. First, we shall have to consider the mental body as the vehicle through which the Self manifests as concrete intellect, in which are developed the powers of the mind, including those of memory and imagination, and which, in the later stages of man's evolution, serves as a separate and distinct vehicle of consciousness, in which the man can live and function quite apart from both his physical and his astral bodies.
This is one of a series of four books by this author, researching and enlightening readers on the 'spirit' of man, its role and functions. This book has been compiled with the object of presenting to the student of Occultism a coherent synthesis of all, or nearly all, the information regarding the Etheric Double, and other closely allied phenomena, which has been given to the world through the medium of modern Theosophical and psychical research literature.
A thorough investigation into Francis Bacon's ciphers and secrets. This is a large print, facsimile edition of an original publication.
Men's conceptions of the heroic change with changing years, and vary with each individual mind; hence it often happens that one person sees in a legend only the central heroism, while another sees only the inartistic details of medi
This is Budge's great work in defining how the gods of Egypt were related to each other and their functions. Understanding these ancient Egyptian gods brings you a greater understanding of the source of polytheism of Rome, Greece, and even the multi-headed god of Christianity, which is polytheism in a modified form. Another mystery in the Egyptian beliefs was their origin of monotheism which can be directly linked to the monotheism of Judaism and Islam.